Community and Economic DevelopmentCitywideWell-planned and Livable Community
The City of Asheville has prepared the Allocation Plan for the HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) Program. The HOME-ARP Allocation Plan sets out how the City of Asheville and the Asheville Regional Housing Consortium propose to use an estimated $4,699,862 in federal HOME-ARP Program funds.
Planning and Urban DesignCitywideCompleteThriving Local Economy
At their meeting on February 23, 2021, the Asheville City Council adopted new hotel development regulations that take effect immediately. The Hotel Moratorium also expired on February 23, 2021.
Capital ProjectsWestIn ProgressTransportation and Accessibility
Project Overview
This project includes the construction of approximately 1 mile of new 6-foot-wide sidewalk, including accessible ramps, crosswalks and drainage, along Johnston Boulevard from Patton Avenue to Johnston Elementary School.
For project dates, timeline, and background information, click the button below.
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Dustin [...]
WaterCitywideIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy Environment
The City of Asheville’s Water Resources Department has been proactively preparing for changes to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule since early 2019. Now that the changes have been finalized, the City of Asheville has a strategy in place to meet three key mandates of the revised rule: the creation of a Service Line Inventory, lead testing in elementary schools and daycares, and Lead and Copper Rule sampling.
Public WorksStreet ServicesTransportationDowntownIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentTransportation and AccessibilityWell-planned and Livable Community
After hearing community input and gathering speed data, traffic calming is proposed for Livingston Street. This project would add speed cushions about every 300ft between Depot Street and Victoria Road. The speed cushions proposed are the same size as speed humps but would include a space between each cushion for emergency vehicles, pictured below.
Capital ProjectsParks and RecreationCitywideWestAccepting InputClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentWell-planned and Livable Community
City of Asheville officials announced that the outdoor pool in Malvern Hills Park will not open this summer.
Capital ProjectsCommunity and Regional Entertainment FacilitiesDowntownIn Progress
In partnership with the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority, Buncombe County Government and the Asheville Tourists Baseball Club, the City of Asheville is spearheading a significant renovation project of McCormick Field.
For project updates, timeline, and background information, click the button below.
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Chris Corl, [...]
WaterDowntownIn Progress
Happening Now
Starting in late summer 2024, Hyatt Pipeline, LLC will replace approximately 6,600 feet of 12-inch water line on Short McDowell Street and on McDowell Street from Meadow Road to Southside Avenue. As much work as possible will be done at night to minimize traffic disruption.
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Planning and Urban DesignTransportationNorthIn ProgressTransportation and Accessibility
Changes under consideration are proposed for the part of Merrimon Avenue between W.T. Weaver Boulevard and Midland Road (at Beaver Lake).
Capital ProjectsParks and RecreationDowntownIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy Environment
Beginning in summer 2021, the project will include turf replacement in the stadium, stormwater repairs and upgrades and ADA access to existing stadium seating.
Capital ProjectsFirePoliceDowntownIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
Project Overview
The Municipal Building Capital Repairs & Restoration project is a structural repair project to demolish and replace the elevated slab floor of the Fire Station 1 apparatus bay.
In preparation for repair and replacement of the Fire Station 1 apparatus bay slab, Asheville Fire Department (AFD) administrative staff will relocate to nearby leased office space. [...]
Capital ProjectsTransportationDowntownSouthIn ProgressTransportation and AccessibilityWell-planned and Livable Community
This greenway will feature a series of interpretive signs about the devastating impact of the razing of the Southside Community, a historically African-American community, due to urban renewal in the late 60s and early 70s.
Community and Economic DevelopmentCitywideCompleteQuality Affordable Housing
Affordable housing has become a serious issue in Asheville, but the City is working to increase the number of affordable homes. The Neighborhood Lots for Affordable Housing project is smaller in scope but still an important part of the larger goal to develop more affordable housing options in the City.
WaterCitywideIn ProgressFinancially Resilient City
This project area includes Brevard Road, Brookwood Road (North Asheville), Greely Street and Cove Lane, Joe Jenkins Road, Hazel Mill Road, Muirfield Subdivision, South Tunnel Road, and Swannanoa River Road.
WaterCitywideIn ProgressFinancially Resilient City
This project area includes Old Shoals Extension, Monte Vista Place, Downing Street, Frederick Street, Britt Drive, Hilltopia and Plateau Road, Pine Tree Drive, Livingston Street and Depot Street.
Capital ProjectsEastIn ProgressTransportation and Accessibility
Project Overview
This City is constructing approximately 1 mile of new six-foot-wide sidewalk, including accessible ramps, crosswalks and drainage, along New Haw Creek Road from Beverly Road to Bell Road. Starting at Beverly Road, the sidewalk follows along the west side of New Haw Creek Road. Just north of Dogwood Grove the alignment shifts to [...]
Planning and Urban DesignCitywideIn ProgressThriving Local Economy
A task force has been created to review the city’s open space zoning regulations and to consider amendments to update the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). These regulations relate to the open spaces that are required primarily for new development projects, not to be confused with larger public open spaces of city parks and greenways.
Community and Economic DevelopmentCitywideIn ProgressThriving Local Economy
With consideration for physical distancing and other safety measures implemented by public health officials, the City has launched new ways to use outdoor spaces - like streets, sidewalks, parking areas and parks - differently, to support economic recovery and other community and business needs.
Planning and Urban DesignDowntownIn ProgressEquitable and Diverse CommunityWell-planned and Livable Community
The City of Asheville and Buncombe County are partnering to document the community’s vision for the future of Pack Square Plaza, including the site where the Vance Monument was previously located. This project is a continuation of work launched by the signing of a joint resolution of the County Commission and City Council to create the Vance Monument Task Force in the summer of 2020. The findings of that initiative led to the signing of a City Council resolution in March 2021 to remove the monument, and to the dedication of funds to a planning process for the future of the site.
Capital ProjectsTransportationDowntownIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentTransportation and Accessibility
Project Overview
The City of Asheville operates four parking garages in the Downtown Central Business District: the Harrah’s Cherokee Center, Wall Street, Rankin Avenue, and Biltmore Avenue garages.
The facilities were built in 1976, 1988, 1988 and 2011, respectively. As the facilities age the frequency with which they need to be inspected increases. A comprehensive parking facility [...]
Public WorksDowntownIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentTransportation and AccessibilityWell-planned and Livable Community
Project Overview
The City of Asheville Public Works Streets Division is constructing sidewalk replacements along a section of Patton Avenue between Asheland Avenue and Coxe Avenue. This project will make important improvements to pedestrian safety and accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines. The project started in Spring 2024 and is expected to finish [...]
WaterWestIn Progress
This water system distribution project is located along Patton Avenue (US-19) between Florida Avenue and Haywood Road. The project includes 7,000 feet of 24-inch waterline along with the installation of a 36-inch incasement pipe for a trenchless crossing of Patton Ave at New Leicester Highway, and other miscellaneous water system components including service connections and other appurtenances.
Community and Economic DevelopmentCitywideIn ProgressQuality Affordable Housing
The housing focus of the Community & Economic Development Department is to partner with area non-profits, agencies, and for-profit developers to produce, preserve, and protect affordable and mixed-income communities in Asheville.
TransportationNorthIn ProgressTransportation and Accessibility
The City of Asheville received grant funding from the French Broad River Metropolitan Organization (FBRMPO) to conduct a $50,000 feasibility study for the remaining sections of the Reed Creek Greenway.
Parks and RecreationWestIn Progress
Beginning fall 2023, APR crews and community volunteers plan to increase hiking, walking, and biking options in Richmond Hill Park to include a 1.5-mile spur trail branching off of the existing Purple Trail.
Capital ProjectsParks and RecreationWestIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentWell-planned and Livable Community
In order to expand recreation opportunities in West Asheville, improvements at Roger Farmer Park include court resurfacing and field conversion.
Capital ProjectsTransitSouthIn Progress
The purpose of this project is to replace a community-designed bus shelter in the Shiloh neighborhood near the intersection of Shiloh Road and Kent Street.
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Contact Information
Jessica Morriss, Assistant Director, Transportation Department
Nicole George, Project Manager, Capital Management Department
Stormwater Services and UtilitySouthIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
Over the years, the bottom of the culverts started rusting out in many spots, which has caused a depression in the ground at the walking track, near the Hampton Street side. Temporary repairs have been made in the past, but now it is time for a longer-term solution.
WaterSouthIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy Environment
The City of Asheville Water Resources has received a $2 Million grant to help determine the water service line material on both sides of a water meter – the utility- and customer-owned sections. The grant will allow the City to replace any water service lines that are found to be lead or galvanized iron pipe on both the utility- and customer-owned sections.
Public WorksStormwater Services and UtilityCitywideAccepting InputIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy Environment
Asheville’s Stormwater program has been funded by a stormwater fee for more than 17 years in order to meet the requirements of its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit and Stormwater Management Plan. In order to better serve our community, the City is proactively assessing our program and identifying areas where improvement is necessitated.
Capital ProjectsTransportationDowntownEastIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentTransportation and AccessibilityWell-planned and Livable Community
The City of Asheville’s Transportation Bond project will be engineering and constructing a section of the Swannanoa River Greenway.
Capital ProjectsParks and RecreationSouthIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
The City of Asheville purchased a 10.88 acre tract of land owned by Carolina Day School adjacent to their athletic facilities at 2351 Sweeten Creek Road for future natural park development.
Planning and Urban DesignEastCompleteThriving Local Economy
The purpose of the project was to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary master plan intended to celebrate the literary accomplishments of Thomas Wolfe, better integrate the site into the Asheville park system and guide the restoration or rehabilitation of the cabin.
Capital ProjectsTransportationDowntownIn Progress
This project aims to enhance safety and accessibility for residents and visitors by replacing four traffic signals in well-traveled areas of downtown. The project’s comprehensive scope involves traffic signal analysis, infrastructure design and replacement, ADA/PROWAG compliance measures, and implementation of signalized pedestrian features.
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Susannah Horton, [...]
Community and Economic DevelopmentCitywideIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
Early in 2022, the City of Asheville, Buncombe County, and Dogwood Health Trust formed a collaborative to respond to the increased need, and Dogwood Health Trust offered to fund a consultancy to bring national expertise to the local community to better understand and address the crisis of unsheltered homelessness. The City is serving as the contracting point of contact for this collaborative, and published a Request for Proposals in February 2022 on behalf of the group.
Planning and Urban DesignCitywideCompleteThriving Local Economy
The City Council adopted the Urban Place Form Code District on September 28, 2021. The new zoning district aims to implement the transit-supportive growth strategy that is identified on the Preferred Growth Scenario Map of Living Asheville: A Comprehensive Plan for Our Future.
Planning and Urban DesignCitywideIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
Project Overview
The City of Asheville Planning and Urban Design department is developing an Urban Forest Master Plan that will guide policies and recommendations for sustainable growth and preservation of Asheville’s urban canopy. The project started in September 2024 and is scheduled to conclude in late fall of 2025.
For project updates, timeline and [...]
Equity and InclusionDowntownIn ProgressEquitable and Diverse Community
In response to community demands, the City Manager’s 30-60-90 day plan called for a resolution to remove Confederate monuments and to work with the community on renaming of streets.
Capital ProjectsWestCompleteTransportation and Accessibility
As part of the bond projects initiative, the City of Asheville is preparing to replace sidewalks on Vermont Avenue in West Asheville. This project focuses on pedestrian enhancements, including Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements and crosswalk improvements.
Parks and RecreationSouthSouthside UnitedIn ProgressClean, Safe and Healthy EnvironmentWell-planned and Livable Community
Improvements are underway in Walton Street Park including parking lot repairs, seasonal tree pruning and the replacement of park benches and grills.
Planning and Urban DesignDowntownIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
In 2018, the City of Asheville began researching and documenting historic resources specifically related to African American heritage in Asheville. During the first phase of architectural survey, it was determined that the Walton Street Pool is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The City has received an application from the Preservation Society of Asheville & Buncombe County to designate the pool as a Local Historic Landmark, which is currently under review by the Historic Resources Commission.
WaterCitywideIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
The City of Asheville is in the process of replacing all water meters with an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system.
Capital ProjectsParks and RecreationFive PointsGrove Park/SunsetJackson ParkNorthNorwood ParkSpears-HenriettaIn ProgressWell-planned and Livable Community
The project will include rebuilding the tennis courts, resurfacing the basketball court, replacing the park bridge, improving the parking lots, landscaping, and installing new park lighting.
Capital ProjectsTransportationWestIn Progress
Project Overview
The City will construct approximately 0.45 miles of accessible sidewalk along the eastbound lanes of travel on Patton Avenue from Druid Avenue to Louisiana Avenue. For project dates, timeline, and background information, click the button below.
More Information
Jill Weissman, Project Manager
Capital ProjectsCommunity and Regional Entertainment FacilitiesEastIn Progress
The Gateway to the Southern Appalachians exhibit advances key elements of the WNC Nature Center’s Vision for the Future including the planning, design, and implementation of new butterfly gardens and play areas, enlarged gift shop, and “gateway” entry experience. The project area covers the section of the Nature Center that is [...]