The City of Asheville is preparing an update to the Comprehensive Plan, an exciting process to determine key principles that will guide the City’s decision-making for the next 15 to 20 years.
The Comprehensive Plan is your plan, Ashevillians, and we are seeking your input throughout the process. The consultants and City staff are currently in the research phase of the update process and have created an online survey on Open City Hall Asheville in order to gather community input during this first stage.
This survey is an important first step in gathering community input, but it certainly won’t be the last time residents are asked to engage in this 18 month process. The Comprehensive Planning process is designed for public engagement, to gather input from the city’s residents and to reflect the diversity of voices within Asheville. Your answers to these survey questions will help determine key decision-making priorities, and input gathered via in-person workshops later in the process will help shape planning concepts and strategies.
NOW: Take the online survey open now through Labor Day (Sept. 5). Please register when you take the survey — registration information is confidential and is only used to identify which statements are from Asheville residents. (The survey is currently being translated and a Spanish version will be available soon.)
FALL: Attend visioning workshops in September and October.
LATER: Watch for events coming to your neighborhood.