Asheville Fire Department shares residential sprinkler system success story

 The Asheville Fire Department responded to a possible structure fire off Old Chunns Cove Road just before 7 a.m. May 31. When companies arrived on the scene they noticed light smoke coming from one of the units in a duplex of four separate homes. When firefighters entered the building they observed that the residential sprinkler system had activated and had extinguished the fire, minimizing fire damage and possibly saving lives.

Along with the audible fire alarm, the single activated sprinkler head controlled the fire and allowed the occupant time to escape safely.  Firefighters therefore focused on assisting the resident with ventilation and clean up.

“The Asheville Fire Department would like to take this opportunity to share with citizens this success story. Oftentimes stories like these, where there is no fire damage or injury, have little to report and therefore go unnoticed,” said Kelley Klope, AFD Public Information Officer. “We cannot stress enough the importance of installing residential sprinkler systems in order to prevent death or injury and to minimize fire damage to personal belongings.”

For more about fire prevention, visit the Asheville Fire Department webpage.