City of Asheville to hold groundbreaking ceremony for River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project

After seven years of planning with the community, construction of Asheville’s River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP) will begin in August 2017.

Please join Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer and other dignitaries for an official groundbreaking at 9 a.m. Aug. 23 at Jean Webb Park, 30 Riverside Drive. In keeping with the artistic nature of the area, the groundbreaking will feature shovels painted by River Arts District artists.

Federal, state, county and local partner agencies will participate in this historic moment, including the Federal Highway Administration, Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, Clean Water Management Trust Fund, Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority, the River Arts District Business Association, River Arts District Artists and our construction and engineering partners Beverly-Grant/Barnhill and CDM Smith and other special honorees. Refreshments will be served at the groundbreaking.


The River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP) is a City of Asheville multi-modal transportation project that includes the installation of sidewalks, street trees, public art, bike lanes and greenways in the River Arts District, adjacent to the French Broad River.

The City engaged the community multiple times throughout the years to form the vision for RADTIP. When complete, the project will incorporate a 2.2-mile piece of the Wilma Dykeman Riverway, an urban parkway designed to support sustainable development along approximately 8 miles of French Broad River and Swannanoa River corridor. It will not only increase safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists, but also incorporate a greenway and new recreation facilities along the French Broad River.

Half of the construction cost of RADTIP is funded through a $14.6 million TIGER VI grant from the federal Transportation Department, a $3.5 million grant from the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority, and two grants from state of North Carolina. The City share comes from a combination of parking and stormwater funds, general funds and City debt proceeds used to finance the Capital Improvements Plan.

Actual construction begins with demolition

RADTIP pre-construction activities in the past year have focused on utility relocations. In August, residents will see some demolition to make way for the construction. This will include demolition of the former 12 Bones barbecue building on Lyman Street, popular with visiting presidents and locals alike, which successfully relocated to 5 Foundry St. earlier this year.

For more information about the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project visit the RADTIP project webpage on the City of Asheville website.