Get to know Asheville Police Department’s K9 officers

Police dog with vest
Vests are not required for police K-9s, but they will protect dogs from projectiles and edged weapons. In 2019, an anonymous donor provided $4,000 to the Asheville Police Department for K-9s ballistic vests. The vests are like the ones police officers wear.

The Asheville Police Department (APD) K-9 unit is one “ruff” division. But seriously, all jokes aside, these K9s and their partners provide a valuable service to our community. They help keep drugs off the streets, track suspects, and find missing people. On top of all that, they keep our police officers safe! Not just any dog can be a K9 officer. These dogs are specially chosen and endure an intensive training process along with their handlers. The entire K9 Unit convenes for training sessions monthly.

Here’s a look at the team!

K9 Officer: Yago

Photo of Asheville Police K9 Officer Yago

Handler: Senior Police Officer Scott Muse, Head K9 Trainer

K9 Officer Yago is a Belgian Malinois who was born in Holland. Yago is 7 years old and trained in obedience, agility, narcotics detection, article searches, tracking, suspect searches, and handler protection. Yago loves to play with Officer Muse’s pet beagle and relax with his toy stuffed frog at night.

Officer Muse has been with APD since 2001 and a K9 handler since 2006. He is in charge of training new handlers, new dogs, and runs the monthly K9 training for all the dog teams.

K9 Officer: Rambo

photo of Asheville Police K9 Officer Rambo

Handler: Senior Police Officer Liz Rice, Explosives Detection Handler

K9 Officer Rambo, a 2-year-old German Shepard, was born in Germany. Rambo is trained in obedience, agility, explosives detection, tracking, and article searches. When he’s not on shift, Rambo likes to relax in his kennel.

Officer Rice has been with APD since 2006 and an explosive detection dog handler since 2015.

photo of Asheville Police K9 Officer MachoK9 Officer: Macho

Handler: Senior Police Officer Ben Green

K9 Officer Macho is a 2-year-old German Shepherd from Germany. Macho is trained in obedience, agility, narcotics detection, article searches, tracking, suspect searches, and handler protection. When not on duty, Macho enjoys going on walks with Officer Green and playing fetch.

Officer Green has been with APD since 2013 and a patrol dog handler since 2018.

photo of Asheville Police K9 Officer BoloK9 Officer: Bolo

Handler: Senior Police Officer Nathanial Smith

K9 Officer Bolo is a 2-year-old German Shepherd from Germany. Bolo is trained in obedience, agility, explosives detection, article searches, tracking, suspect searches, and handler protection. Bolo enjoys spending time with his family and playing with his toy ball when he’s off duty.

Officer Smith has been with APD since 2015 and an explosive detection K9 handler since 2018.

photo of Asheville Police K9 Officer DjangoK9 Officer: Django

Handler: Senior Police Officer Doug Williams

K9 Officer Django, a 2-year-old German Shepherd from Germany, is trained in obedience, agility, narcotics detection, article searches, tracking, suspect searches, and handler protection. When off duty, Django enjoys naps in the sunshine and jumping like a kangaroo.

Officer Williams has been with APD since 2014 and a patrol dog handler since 2018.

photo of Asheville Police K9 Officer ZarK9 Officer: Zar

Handler: Senior Police Officer Spencer Brunkhorst

K9 Officer Zar is a 7-year-old German Shepherd from Germany. Zar is trained in obedience, agility, narcotics detection, article searches, tracking, suspect searches, and handler protection. When he’s not working, Zar enjoys playing with his ball and relaxing at home with Officer Brunkhorst.

Officer Brunkhorst has been with APD since 2013 and is currently in basic K9 handler school.

phot of Asheville Police K9 Officer BossK9 Officer: Boss

Handler: Officer Michael Sorensen

K9 Officer Boss is a 7-year-old German Shepherd from Germany. Boss is trained in obedience, agility, narcotics detection, article searches, tracking, suspect searches, and handler protection. At home, Boss enjoys spending time with his new family and playing with his ball.

Officer Sorensen has been with APD since 2016 and is currently in basic K9 handler school.

photo of Asheville Police K9 Officer XanderK9 Officer: Xander

Handler: Officer Andrew Mazeika

K9 Officer Xander is a 7-year-old Belgian Malinois from Holland. Xander is trained in obedience, agility, narcotics detection, article searches, tracking, suspect searches, and handler protection. Xander enjoys running in circles and letting everyone pet him.

Officer Mazeika has been with APD since 2016 and is currently in basic K9 handler school.