City of Asheville resumes parking meter fees and enforcement

Asheville parking meters

Beginning Monday, June 1, the City of Asheville will resume collecting regular parking fees for on-street, metered parking.  Enforcement of fee payment will also resume.  

Garage parking in City and County garages will remain free until further notice.  City monthly parking permit fees will also continue to be suspended until further notice.  Buncombe county monthly parking charges have not been suspended. 

On March 18, following the State and Local State of Emergency declarations due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the City waived all parking fees in order to support convenient access to goods and services, including curbside pick-ups. As the city has begun to slowly open back up, activity has started to increase, and parking demand has also increased.  To help ensure continued access to businesses and the availability of on-street parking, reinstating parking fees will help manage the demand. 

Measures to support reopening businesses

Earlier this week, the City began to install approximately 30 curbside pick-up spaces throughout downtown and on Haywood Road in West Asheville in order to provide designated curb-side access for quick pick-ups.  These 10-minute curb-side pick up spaces will be signed and numbered, and are free of charge.  Businesses should feel free to direct pick-up drivers to these locations. Each shared zone accommodates 1-3 vehicles and encourages quick turnover (10 minutes) to support active pick-ups. View the curbside pick-up map here. 

Large delivery trucks should continue to use designated loading zones.  

Also, businesses can request to use their private parking lots, landscape areas, and walkways to expand operations in alignment with public health guidelines. The online request form provides a simple process for businesses to request a temporary outdoor expansion and for the city to share important safety guidelines. Requests that fall within the included guidelines are not subject to a formal permit process. 

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