On Oct. 1, the City of Asheville “flipped the switch” on the photovoltaic array, commonly known as solar panels, at the recently renovated ART Transit Station on Coxe Avenue. This is the first City facility to include renewable energy production in a renovation or new construction project. The City is under contract or is in the design phase to add solar panels to seven more existing and new City facilities within the next three years.
Installation of the solar panels supports Council’s strategic goal of A Clean and Healthy Environment and the 100% Renewable Energy Initiative.
The Transit Station system will produce approximately 103,100 of kilowatt hours per year, enough electricity to power 12 homes.
All of the energy from the Transit Station’s solar array will be distributed back to the grid via Duke Energy. This is commonly referred to as a “sell-all” system. In a “sell-all” system, the customer buys energy from the provider and the solar array is separately metered. The energy generated by the solar array is collected through the separate meter and goes to the utility company. The utility then mails the provider a check for the electricity generated during that billing period.
For more information on Sustainability initiatives, please visit ashevillenc.gov/sustainability.