School starts Aug. 21. Be careful out there!

The Asheville Police Department has the following information and video about staying safe as school starts back:

On Wednesday August 21, 2013, Asheville City Schools will be back in session. We ask for your assistance in keeping our children safe as they return to school. Please remember that traffic will be congested near city schools and plan your route accordingly. Remember to look for kids at bus stops and be aware of when you need to stop for a school bus when it is loading or unloading passengers.

Traffic in both directions must stop on two lane roads, two lane roads with a center turning lane, four lane roadway without a center turn lane or median divider (for example Merrimon Ave, Charlotte St). Only traffic following the school bus needs to stop on a four lane road with a center divider or median separation of a center turn lane (North Carolina General Statute 20-217). Be aware that school zone speed limits will be enforced and that APD officers will be running radar.

Please see the Asheville Police Department Traffic Safety Unit’s PSA regarding safe motoring as school starts.