City of Asheville announces recipients of racial healing mini-grants

City Hall photo with word grants on it

The City of Asheville is pleased to announce the recipients of Asheville racial healing mini-grants. This is the second year funding has been made available.  The City received 29 applications and selected nine.  The mini-grants represent a total community investment of $40,000. 

The following organizations will receive funding:

  • Operation Gateway (Collaborative project: Workforce Development/YMI Cultural Center and Change Agent Cooper LLC)
  • West Buncombe Community Organizing
  • Center for Participatory Change
  • SecretHypeMan’s Music Edutainment Racial Healing Project
  • Race Relations Station
  • Clinicians Of Color Movement
  • Matic Flow Yoga and Wellness Racial Equity and Healing Justice Project
  • Artists Designing Evolution (adé PROJECT)
  • Delta House Life Development of Asheville, Inc.

These grants are intended to: 

  1. Invest in projects already established in the community.
  2. Intentionally provide financial support to community members/groups who are already working toward racial healing.
  3. Build toward a more trusting relationship between City government and those who have been disenfranchised and underinvested in by local government.

The mini-grants are fully funded from the City of Asheville’s Office of Equity and Inclusion budget.