Window replacement and upgrades, concrete repairs coming to Harrah’s Cherokee Center – Asheville

Asheville Civic Center view

Beginning in April, all windows around the concourse of the arena of Harrah’s Cherokee Center – Asheville will be replaced and upgraded from single-pane to double-paned glass. The 1970s era windows in the facility are known to leak during heavy rains, are difficult to maintain and are not energy efficient. Upgrading to double-pane windows is a major contribution to energy efficiency and allows the City to be eligible for rebates from Duke Energy.

Window upgrades will also allow future replacement to happen from inside the building, rather than from lifts or scaffolding outside the building, reducing repair costs

In addition to window replacement, repairs, cleaning and refinishing of the concrete facade around the exterior of the concourse, to match the arena, will give the Center a more cohesive appearance. Fall protection will be added around the exterior to enhance roof maintenance and window cleaning safety.

Events will still be held at the center as only one facade of the building will be installed at a time and a 7-foot clearance of the construction area will be maintained.

The project is currently scheduled for completion by September 2021.

RELATED: Harrah’s Window Replacement Staff Report to City Council