Happening Now
- New playground – view survey results
- New ballfield lighting
- Dual-lined tennis and pickleball courts rebuilt and new seating, fencing, and lighting installed.
- Basketball court resurfaced and new goals installed.
- Parking lots repaved.
- Glenn’s Creek Greenway rerouted to provide better accessibility over a new pedestrian bridge connecting both sections of the park.
- Enhanced ADA accessibility for connections to park features
It has been many years since the park was built and it is in need of upgrades. The City is committed to providing high-quality and fun park experiences for users and neighbors with a focus on improving safety, reducing routine maintenance, and enhancing accessibility. It is anticipated that the project will include rebuilding the racquet sports courts, resurfacing the basketball court, replacing the park bridge, improving the parking lots, landscaping, and installing new park lighting.
In 2016, the outdoor court renovation plan was included in the City’s $17 million bond referendum to support park and recreation facilities improvements. The bond referendum was approved by Asheville voters resulting in an allocation of $1 million for outdoor court rebuilding projects. Locations for court renovations were selected using an equity matrix that included conditions of the existing facility, neighborhood demographics and park resource distribution. However, construction prices were at a premium and Weaver Park courts were unable to be renovated with bond funding.
Remaining a priority, Asheville Parks & Recreation has allocated community investment money so that the project is funded and moves forward.
Current Project Timeline
- October: Ballfield lighting installation
- October-November: Playground design team selection
- July-October: Playground design – view survey results
- Mid-year: Playground construction
Contact Information
Rebecca Cipriano, Capital Projects, (828) 424-5596