Wellness Wednesday: Try something new!

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Though the terms “wellness” and “fitness” are often used interchangeably, physical fitness is only one component of overall wellness. Other aspects may include development of your intellectual, emotional, occupational, environmental, financial, spiritual, and social wellbeing. If you’re committed to trying something new, learning a new skill or hobby, and soaking up culture in 2022, Asheville Parks & Recreation has many free and low-cost opportunities for lifelong learning.

Adult coloring books are one of the latest trends to combat stress and anxiety. Thanks to a collaboration between the City of Asheville, area nonprofits and agencies, and local artists, residents can connect with food resources and learn about community gardens through the beautifully-illustrated pages of a new adult coloring book, In the Garden. Pick up a complimentary copy at any community center or print it at home.

Older Adults and Retirees

adult woman at weaving loomIf you want to share your learned experience, channel your literary skills at Harvest House Community Center’s Life Writing Workshop the first Wednesday each month. Other opportunities at Harvest House include weaving, sculpting, woodworking, ceramics, billiards, line dancing, knitting and crocheting, music, card games, dominoes, and day trips to nearby attractions like the Asheville Art Museum, Little Switzerland, and local breweries.

Variety is the spice of life and the Senior Opportunity Center offers table games, crossword puzzles, crafts, book clubs, gardening, and more on weekdays. Through a partnership with the Council on Aging of Buncombe County, free senior congregate dining lunch meals are offered each weekday with educational guest speakers. Lunch is also available at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center Wednesdays-Fridays with innovative chair exercises to increase mobility and strength.

Burton Street Senior Elite Club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays for fellowship, games, movies, meals, day trips, and other fun activities. To explore the local culinary scene, join the Lunch Bunch at a different local restaurant each month with upcoming visits scheduled to Buxton Hall and Sunset Terrace in the Omni Grove Park Inn. Time of Our Life While Senior Trippin’ and Senior Tripsters are monthly clubs with trips to the bowling alley, restaurants, and movie theaters.

For a full list of programs for older adults, click here.

For Harvest House’s weekly schedule including exercise, arts, crafts, games, and clubs, click here.


adult woman with plate of tamalesBurton Street Community Center is your spot to learn basic vehicle care, create healthy Latin dishes, and play bingo. For those with a musical ear (and those without), community jams offer the opportunity to play, sing, dance, or watch neighbors and friends mesh together in a musical rainbow. Later in the year, team members host movies and hikes.

Robotics 101 provides an introduction to designing, building, and engineering your own robotic creation, while community access art nights provide another opportunity for creative expression. Tempie Avery Montford Community Center also offers introductory and advanced classes in indoor rock climbing.

If you are a beginner, intermediate, or professional card player, check out the Ultimate Bid Whist/Spades Party on Tuesday nights at Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center. The center also offers tai chi classes, bingo, Puzzles with Paul, Just a Dash recipe club, talent shows, and By Myself For Myself, a do-it-yourself program teaching how to create soaps, candles, body scrubs, and more.

Opportunities to learn something new at Stephens-Lee Community Center include indoor pickleball, bingo, line dancing, bid whist, Scrabble, Uno, and basketball.

For a full list of programs for adults, click here.


The Stephens-Lee Teen Leadership Program is made up of a variety of activities, rewarding projects, field trips, and more. When school is out for teacher workdays, Teen Day Out offers games, special events, and field trips to bowl and volunteer locally or visit the science museum in Charlotte and an escape room in Greenville.

For a full list of programs for teens, click here.

Kids and Toddlers

child in dramatic playWhen school’s out for scheduled workdays, community centers host Fun Day Out with games, crafts, and unique activities. Boyz 2 Men and All About Me are clubs for boys and girls, respectively, that meet monthly to take field trips, throw after parties, host sleepovers, play games, volunteer, and more.

Community centers throughout the city have after school programming, climbing and paddling camps, open gym times, and more.

For a full list of programs for kids and toddlers, click here.

Download the new AVL Rec app for iPhone, search programs online, or browse our programming guide for the latest opportunities and updates.

Check out the previous articles in this series about getting active and ways to meet new people and spend more time with friends and family.