City of Asheville announces the Strategic Partnership Fund Pilot Program recipients for Youth Programs

mom holds young student's hand as she walks him from school bus

Asheville City Council approved last night, as part of Council’s agenda, the Strategic Partnership Fund Pilot Program awards and authorized the City Manager to execute grant agreements. 

Using Strategic Partnership funding, the City has provided $375,500 in pilot grants to nine different non-profit organizations to help address the opportunity gap for low to moderate income school-aged youth. The pilot grant program will be used to inform a more comprehensive revision to the City’s Strategic Partnership Program to ensure maximum community benefit in addressing the opportunity gap for Asheville’s youth.

Award Recipients

31 applications were received between June 22 and July 12, 2022. Applications were reviewed based on each program’s demonstrated ability to address the opportunity gap for school aged youth, the ability to track and measure results, available resources and capacity to carry out the project, and a workable budget to support the program.

Presentations by applicants were made to the Evaluation Committee. On July 19, the Housing & Community Development Committee made final recommendations awarding funding to 9 agencies.




Vocational Skills: Kids at Work and the Connection Program Tracks

Aspire Youth & Family, Inc


Hope 4 the Future



The Village

The Christine Avery Learning Center


One Youth AT A Time (OYAAT) – Closing the Opportunity Gap



Igniting Superhero Readers – School Year Pilot

Literacy Together


Summer/After School/Advocacy Support

YTL Training Programs


Youthful HAND

Serve to Lead


Community Literacy Support at Edington

Read to Succeed Asheville/Buncombe


Chosen Positive Opportunities Develop Success (PODS)

Western Carolina Rescue Mission (Fiscal agent)


Total Grant Award

