City of Asheville and Buncombe County Community Reparations Commission meeting: August 15, 2022

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The Community Reparations Commission is empowered to make short, medium, and long-term recommendations that will make significant progress toward repairing the damage caused by public and private systemic racism. The task of the Reparations Commission is to issue a report in a timely manner for consideration by the City, County, and other participating community groups for incorporation into their respective short-term and long-term priorities and plans. 


Community Reparations Commission Meeting – August 15, 2022

Agenda Item


I. Call to Order and Welcome Dr. Dwight Mullen
II. Roll Call Quorum met
III. Action Item: Approval of the Agenda

Approved with amendment to hold work group

Discussion and approval until next session

IV. Action Item: Approval of the Minutes

Minutes approved

V. Commission Charge (p. 12) and Meeting

Meeting Objectives read by Debra Clark Jones

VI. Appointment of Board of County
Commissioners Alternate

Buncombe County  names commission alternate Dwayne Richardson to fill members seat left open by Kelsey Simmons

VII. Expert Testimony Presentation  
 Laying the Foundation for Local Reparations
(Review Howard’s guidebook that was distributed
to all Commission members).

Kamm Howard, Businessman, Real Estate Investor, Reparations Activist, 
National African American Reparations (NAARC) Commissioner, National
Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA)

VIII. Break
IX. Discussion: Reflections on the Presentation

each commission member was invited to voice their opinions and thoughts on the information shared by this and past presenters to the group

X. Old Business

a. Work Group Update 
b. Action Item: Establishment of Work Groups D
c. Venue Assessment 
d. Commission Two-Day Meeting (September)
e. Buncombe County Budget Update

Old business on agenda held to next meeting

XI. Public Comment (3 mins each)

Dwayne MacAfee – community member

Racial justice coalition reps – collecting rough data on effectiveness of community engagement

XII. Wrap-Up

a. Acknowledgments
b. Next Meeting
c. Close-Out

Debra Clark Jones

Discussed briefly  Global topics work group

XI. Adjournment

meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the Community Reparations Commission is scheduled for September 19, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.  at Harrah’s Cherokee Center – Banquet Room:  87 Haywood Street,  Asheville, NC 28801

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