Drilling along Lyman Street and Riverside Drive to occur

Drilling for engineering and environmental purposes starts Tuesday, June 16, along Lyman Street and Riverside Drive in Asheville’s River Arts District.

The technical work being completed will support the later construction of the River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP) in 2017 and 2018.

The City’s consultants plan to start on the south section of Lyman Street (near Amboy Road) and move northward, drilling at up to five locations a day.

The drilling is expected to last for four weeks.

The City understands that while the ultimate outcome of this project is to improve traffic safety and flow along the riverfront, that residents and visitors will experience some temporary inconvenience during this time. There will be some lane closures on Lyman and Riverside Drive, and loud noise near drilling sites during this time.

The drilling will take place between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., with some set up starting at 7 a.m. and tear down occurring between 5 to 7 p.m.
For questions please call Riverfront Redevelopment Office Director Stephanie Monson Dahl at 828-337-4111.