Stephens-Lee Community Center announces closures and relocations for October 25-30

As Stephens-Lee Community Center prepares to become the Haunted Castle on the Hill for Festival of Frights, some classes have been cancelled or relocated. 

Purchase your tickets for Haunted Castle on the Hill to experience one of the area’s longest-running haunted houses.

                                                                 young people in scary costumes

Youth and Teen APR Afterschool will meet in the gym on October 25-October 27 and travel to Tempie Avery Montford Community Center on October 28 (parents will pick up students at that site located on 34 Pearson Dr.).

Zumba Gold and West African Dance classes scheduled for October 25, will be held in the gym. Please enter the center using the fire exit door to the left of front doors.

The following activities and programs are cancelled and will resume normal schedules the week of October 30:

If you’d like to help transform the historic building into its popular annual haunted house, volunteers are needed to help with set up, break down, and as members of the Scare Crew who act out scenes during the event (costumes, make-up, and props are provided by Asheville Parks & Recreation).

To search all programs, classes, and events, visit the searchable APR database.