What: Meeting about the Haywood Road Parking Study.
When: 6:30 p.m. Oct. 22.
Where: Hall Fletcher Elementary School, 60 Ridgelawn Road.
The City of Asheville Transportation Department has been conducting a study of parking needs related to the Haywood Road corridor. A consultant has completed an assessment of available parking and met with business and property owners along the Haywood Corridor to understand their needs.
The next step is to get a better understanding from residents of the parking needs and concerns adjacent to Haywood Road. The study consultant’s team has been conducting additional parking counts on several residential streets identified during the initial counts and through reports of complaints made to APD and other City departments.
The purpose of this meeting is to share the results of the study with residents and gather input on your experience of parking on and near Haywood Road. Please join us for this important meeting!
For more information, contact Transportation Director Ken Putnam at 828-259-5405 or kputnam@ashevillenc.gov.