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  • Following over a year of analysis, research, and community engagement, the final draft of the 2024 Affordable Housing Plan for the City of Asheville is now complete and available to the public. It may be downloaded to read here or under the Documents tab below.
  • City staff extend their gratitude to Enterprise Community Partners, local stakeholders, and members of the community, all of whom were instrumental in the completion of this project. Work on implementation of the plan is now underway.



The project updates the 2008 Affordable Housing Plan that was created by the Mayor’s Taskforce on Affordable Housing, which was last updated in 2015. Every five years, the city works with the Housing Consortium to write a Consolidated Plan which has goals and strategies to be used for federal funding. The City and community was in need of a plan that directs the use of local funds and resources including the Housing Trust Fund, Land Use Incentive Grants and Bond dollars. The 2008 strategies did include strategies pertaining to unhoused people. An updated plan will also help the city plan for any future bond programs, and outline funding priorities for partnerships with other institutions (Buncombe County, Dogwood Health Trust). 

The new Affordable Housing Plan: 

  • Includes an updated housing needs assessment, which is imperative given the changes in the market and demographic shifts during the pandemic. 

  • Recommends a set of priorities for programming, funding, and new policy directions 

  • Brings together stakeholders, advocates, and community members, engaging them to build a foundation for the plan and the future direction of affordable housing in the city. 

  • Communicates to developers, both nonprofit and for-profit, what the city is looking to achieve. 

  • Makes recommendations for program changes in existing programs (Housing Trust Fund,  Land Use Incentive Program)

  • Builds a foundation for a future affordable housing bond. 


 Contact Information

Sasha Vrtunski, Community & Economic Development, Affordable Housing Officer, 828.259.5560, 

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