Teams of community members and leaders hit the streets this April to carry out the annual Spring Litter Sweep. So what’s the word on the street?
City of Asheville employees gathered for a 1 hour, lunchtime cleanup around downtown and collected about 30lbs of trash.
Even though official totals for the whole event aren’t available yet, our sanitation staff reports good news!
This year’s litter clean-up efforts, in coordination with NCDOT and Asheville GreenWorks, noted a decrease in the amount of collected litter as well as a change in the type of trash items in downtown Asheville that we’ve seen in years past.
This year’s litter collection netted mainly small bits of plastic and cigarette butts, a positive difference from years past.
How can you help
We encourage people to use the cigarette butt receptacles that are attached to the trash cans downtown (or to dispose of them in another appropriate manner).
The opportunity to organize an event or group activity to keep our community clean continues throughout the year.
Our friends at Asheville GreenWorks can help you, your friends, neighbors, co-workers, or other community members organize an event. It’s easier than you may think! They provide the cleanup supplies and safety information, and will coordinate trash pick up as needed. Supplies include gloves, safety vests, trash bags, trash grabbers, and a SHARPs container. Register now to learn more about borrowing supplies to organize your own cleanup!
Get involved in future Spring Litter Sweeps
Traditionally scheduled for the last two weeks of April and September, Litter Sweep is the N.C. Department of Transportation’s biannual statewide roadside litter removal initiative. Residents throughout the state participate in local efforts to help clean up North Carolina’s roadways.
We invite you to lend a hand and enjoy physical and mental health benefits such as feeling a sense of accomplishment, getting exercise, enjoying the fresh air, meeting new people, and all that comes with living in cleaner surroundings.
How to report litter
Community members are able to report roadside litter concerns to the City of Asheville through multiple platforms:
- On the Asheville App: “Report Roadside Litter Concern”
- Email
- Call Customer Service: 828-251-1122
Find out more information on City of Asheville Litter Programs