July 2024 City board or commission vacancies announced

board room with boards and commission vacancies written on the wall

Looking for a way to get involved in local government and play a part in shaping the future of Asheville? Serving on a City of Asheville board or commission is a great place to start.

Through a variety of boards and commissions established by Asheville City Council, citizens can provide input on the policies that shape their government and their city. There are currently more than 30 boards and commissions that advise the Mayor and City Council on an array of issues.

Put your perspective, leadership and knowledge to work by serving on one of many City advisory committees. Being on a board or commission does require a significant personal commitment, however, so applicants should consider their ability to commit their time and personal energy before applying.

Board and Commission Vacancies with August 5, 2024 Application Deadline

The application deadline for the two boards and commission listed below is Monday, August 5, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. For descriptions and additional information about each board, please “click” on the board name below to visit the individual board’s webpage.

Housing Authority of the City of Asheville

  • The Mayor appoints members to this board. 
  • Consideration of appointments will be made after the application deadline.
  • The board reviews and approves budgets for submission to the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, approves plans and specifications, awards contracts and appoints the Executive Director of the Housing Authority.

Planning and Zoning Commission

  • Vacancy must be filled by an Asheville City resident.
  • Consideration of these appointments is scheduled for the September 10, 2024, City Council meeting.
  • The Planning and Zoning Commission is an advisory board to City Council that shall (1) review all new text for proposed amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), and proposals to zone or change the zoning of all property regulated under the UDO and to make recommendations to City probable future development of the City and its environs, including, but not limited to, studies and surveys of land uses, population, traffic, parking, and redevelopment needs; (3) formulate and recommend to City Council the adoption or amendment of a comprehensive plan and other plans, as necessary, for the City and its environs ; (4) review the terms of the UDO from time to time, as it deems appropriate, and to recommend to City Council any changes that the Commission considers necessary to regulate properly the development and use of land, buildings and structures; (5) review applications for planned unit development designation and the preliminary plans for such planned unit developments and to make recommendations to City Council for final action thereon; and (6) review and decide on approval of all proposed preliminary plats of major subdivisions.

Board and Commission Vacancies with September 1, 2024 Application Deadline

African American Heritage Commission

  • The Commission advises the City Council and County Commissioners about the preservation, interpretation, and promotion of African-American arts, history, and culture.

Air Quality Agency Board

  • This board is responsible for advising City Council and the Buncombe County Commissioners on matters related to the development of policies and plans to improve air quality. 

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board

  • The City of Asheville Alcoholic Beverage Control manages the sale of spirituous liquor through business principles that promote excellence in customer service; establishes effective alcohol education partnerships; administers regulatory provisions; and instills financial accountabilities that benefit those we serve.

Historic Resources Commission

  • Vacancy must be filled by an Asheville City resident.
  • The Historic Resources Commission (HRC) was created in 1979 through a local ordinance adopted by both the City of Asheville and Buncombe County pursuant to North Carolina General Statute. The HRC reviews development projects and proposed subdivisions within local historic districts and local landmarks to ensure that the proposed work is consistent with the applicable design standards. Once a project has been approved, a Certificate of Appropriateness (CA) is issued to the property owner or applicant, which should be posted on site with any other required permits. Please note that a CA is for design review approval only, and does not include approval for building, zoning or other permit types that may be required. 

Human Relations Commission

  • The Human Relations Commission of Asheville (HRCA) members duties include, but are not limited to:
    • Making policy recommendations to the City Council which promote and improve human relations and advance equity in the City
    •  Supporting the City’s Office of Equity and Inclusion
    •  Providing a forum where residents can raise issues and complaints relating to human relations in the City
    •  Engaging the community regarding the utilization of City-funded programs and policies for the promotion of human relations
    •  Promoting and improving human relations and advance equity in the following areas: public safety; educational, art and cultural opportunities; economic development; health and human services; and housing

Noise Advisory Board

  • 2 vacancies for general seats
  • 1 vacancy for a performing arts industry representative 
  • 1 vacancy for an industrial or construction industry representative 
  • The Board maintains the following advisory responsibilities: 
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of Revised Ordinance No. 4390 regarding Noise Regulation and related City policies with the goal of developing recommendations regarding amendments, additions, or deletions;
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of enforcement of this article, including but not limited to response times, compliance rates, distribution of complaints, and ensuring equitable outcomes; and
    • Propose long-term objectives for achieving reduction of sound levels in the community, and propose means for implementing such objectives.

Riverfront Commission

  • 1 vacancy reserved for an art advocate/artist/arts administrator
  • 1 vacancy reserved for a Housing Authority resident/staff or voucher recipient
  • 1 vacancy reserved for a design professional
  • The purpose of the Asheville Buncombe Riverfront Commission (ABRC) is to recommend to the City and County an overall policy for the continued development and sustainability of the regional riverfront. The Commission provides recommendations to the City and County for effective management of the public resources for the districts, and actively pursues and assists private sector investments in the districts. The Asheville Buncombe Riverfront Commission assists through cooperative measures to evaluate and represent the recommendations of other organizations, including, but not limited to property owners, merchants, residents, businesses, tenants, non-profits, institutions, as well as other members of the riverfront and regional riverfront district communities.

Urban Forestry Commission 

  • The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the planting of new trees and shrubbery; to vigorously encourage the protection of existing trees and shrubbery, including their root systems; to regulate the preservation, replacement and indiscriminate removal of trees and to establish procedures for fulfilling these purposes.

Application process

Determine which board or commission interests you. Board and commission meetings are open to the public, so potential applicants are encouraged to sit in on monthly meetings. Meeting dates, times and locations vary, and are available on individual web pages.


Qualifications for appointees to boards and commissions shall be residents of the City of Asheville, unless otherwise specified or provided for by law or Council action.


Complete an application by filling out a boards and commissions application

Confirm receipt, after your application is received, you will receive a receipt of application email. If you do not receive that receipt within a day after submittal, please contact boards@ashevillenc.gov to make sure that your application has reached the City Clerk’s Office.


When vacancies occur, the City Council will review the resource list and schedule interviews. You will be contacted directly if it is necessary for you to interview for an appointment.