Notice: All advisory boards staffed by City employees will continue to remain on pause as City Council works through post-Helene priorities and goals. This page will be updated as new information becomes available.
All City quasi-judicial boards staffed by City employees resumed their regular meeting schedules on January 1, 2025. The following quasi-judicial boards are currently meeting:
- Planning & Zoning Commission
- Asheville-Buncombe Historic Resources Commission
- Board of Adjustment
- Civil Service Board
Visit the Board and Commission homepage for continued updates.
The Committee consists of nine members, all appointed by City Council, with representation from specific community sectors. Members shall be residents of the City or the City’s extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction and shall reflect the socioeconomic diversity of Asheville. The term of office is three years.
View current members and board composition requirements here
The Committee was established to advise the City Council on neighborhoods within the City of Asheville’s zoning and planning jurisdiction. The Committee shall have the following powers and duties:
- Develop rules and by-laws for the conduct of its business, including but not limited to meeting schedules, officers, voting, sub-committees;
- Develop a plan to strengthen neighborhood identity and resilience, and to facilitate communication and cooperation between Asheville’s neighborhoods and City offices;
- Develop benchmarks and standards by which progress towards implementing the plan can be measured; and
- Work on special projects that are consistent with the goals of the committee, as assigned or directed by the City Council.
Neighborhood Advisory Committee Bylaws
Neighborhood Advisory Committee Establishing Resolution
Neighborhood Volunteer Spotlight and Volunteer of the Year Award
The Neighborhood Advisory Committee invites Asheville residents to nominate local volunteers to be featured in an upcoming Neighborhood Volunteer Spotlight. Once a year, nominees will be selected for the Neighborhood Volunteer of the Year Award. Nominations are accepted year round; spotlights are announced monthly.
Regular Scheduled Meetings
As of January 2024, the Neighborhood Advisory Committee meets on the fourth Monday of every other month at 6:00 p.m. in the First Floor North Conference Room of Asheville City Hall. Visit the Neighborhood Advisory Committee page on the City of Asheville Engagement Hub to view scheduled meetings and view recordings of past meetings. Check the agenda for current meeting details.
Have an issue with participating in a board or commission meeting, in person or virtually? Use this form to let us know!
Member contact representing at-large: Elyse Marder (Interim Chair)
Member contact representing at-large: Elizabeth Likis (Vice-Chair)
Member contacts representing at-large: 2 Vacant seats
Member contact representing 28803 or 28704 zip codes: Trevor Schmidt
Member contact representing 28805 zip code: Vacant
Member contact representing 28801 zip code: Charles Crowell
Member contact representing 28804 zip code: Jo Taylor
Member contact representing 28806 or 28728 zip codes: Moira Balangue
View current members and board composition requirements here
Meeting Agendas and Documents
Review and Resource Documents
Neighborhood Advisory Committee Bylaws adopted May 22, 2023
Resolution 12-98 establishing Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Resolution 12-157 appointing members to the Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Resolution 13-57 supporting the vision and mission of the Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Plans are developed through extensive community engagement processes, and implementation is considered on an annual basis through the city’s budgetary and business planning cycle. Visit Communication and Public Engagement to review The City Plans.
Committee Reports
Contact Information
Neighborhood Services:
Dawa Hitch, Communication and Public Engagement Director
Phone: 828-712-4229 Mobile/Text