What is the Technical Review Committee?
The Technical Review Committee (TRC) is an eight-member body consisting of six staff, a representative of the Urban Forestry Commission, and a member representing the Buncombe County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD). It was established in 1997 for consideration of site plans, subdivision plats, master plans for Planned Unit Development, plans for conditional use permit or other land development matters consistent with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The members shall ensure that the proposed project complies with the development requirements and applicable City standards.
UPDATED Neighborhood Meeting Information
Changes to the City’s Pre-Development Neighborhood Meeting Policy and the corresponding Unified Development provisions have been made and are in effect. The City is requiring the following for a neighborhood/community meeting to be considered compliant:
- ALL development applications reviewed by the TRC now require notification to physical addresses of tenants and mailing address of property owners within the required notification radius as follows:
- Central Business District Zoning (excluding Conditional Zoning): 200 Feet
- All Other Zoning Districts, and any Conditional Zoning: 400 Feet
Owners and physical addresses requiring notification can be identified using the “Buffer tool” on Map Asheville. For a tutorial on the Buffer Tool, please watch the following video.
- Email notification is now required to be provided to any neighborhood association registered with the City of Asheville that the development exists wholly or partially within. A map of these neighborhood associations and corresponding contacts can be found here.
- The UDO now requires that notices and meetings follow the requirements of best practice suggestions (as possible) in the City of Asheville’s Neighborhood and Community Meeting Guide for Development.
- Neighborhood meeting registration is now required. Once you know when the meeting will be held, it must be registered with the City using the meeting registration link a minimum of 14 days prior to the scheduled meeting. We highly recommend submitting your registration prior to mailing letter for review. Please allow at least 48 hours for review. Meeting registrations are not advertised by the City.
- Provide the required notice via US Mail using the provided public notice template.
- When the meeting has been completed, it must be reported to the City using the post-meeting reporting form. Applications for Level II, III, Major Subdivision and Conditional Zoning Development will not be accepted unless this step has been completed.
Meeting Information
TRC Meetings are held every first and third Monday of the month.
The next meeting of the TRC is March 17, 2025 at 2p.m.
Review and Resource Documents
Review and Meeting Calendar (2025 Schedule now posted)
About the large-scale development process
Schedule a TRC Pre-Application Meeting
Please send any questions to POD@ashevillenc.gov.
Conceptual Application Form (pdf) for Conditional Zoning and Conditional Use Permit projects
Development Application Form (pdf) for Level II, Major Subdivision, or Final Reviews
Development Portal to Submit an Application