Current and Recent Projects


Current Projects


Pack Square Plaza Visioning

Downtown Patton Avenue Corridor/Feasibility Study

Missing Middle Housing Study

Outdoor Dining Program Updates

South Slope Vision Plan

Downtown Safety and Cleanliness 


Recent Projects


Art in the Heart (completed 2023)

African American Heritage Resource Survey (completed 2022)

Burton Street Architectural Survey (completed 2022)

Charlotte Street Road Diet and Safety Improvements Project/Zoning Evaluationyear completed? Could also use an update; when construction happened… 

Haywood Street and Page Avenue Visioning (completed 2020) 

Hotel Development Study and Updated Regulations (completed 2021) 

Thomas Wolfe Cabin Master Plan (completed 2019)

Urban Centers (completed 2021) 

Open Space UDO Amendments (amendment adopted July 2022) 

Walton Street Park & Pool Local Historic Landmark Designation (2022)


The Planning and Urban Design Department participates in projects and initiatives across the City. To view other City of Asheville projects visit this page.


Contact Information


Shoji – (828) 251-4057