Happening Now

The Edwin – Celia – Canterbury project has been in design for a number of years. The project is very large, and is broken into three phases to make the separated projects more manageable and adhere to the Stormwater Capital Budget. Each phase is complex and functions cooperatively with the other phases of the project to accomplish the goals of minimizing flooding and replacing aging and undersized infrastructure. Phase One of the project includes stream restoration with constructed wetland areas and pipe replacement along Celia Place as well as stormwater storage areas along Sunset Parkway. Phase Two of the project will replace undersized culverts from Edwin Place down to the stream adjacent to Murdock Avenue. Phase Three adds new infrastructure down Canterbury Road and Oak Lane to Sunset Parkway. All phases of the project are at 95% to 100% design and are ready to begin the permitting process. We are anticipating additional community outreach early in 2022, then submitting for permitting and beginning construction in fiscal year 2023.


The area at the intersection of Edwin Place and Celia Place experiences significant flooding during high intensity storm events due to aged and undersized infrastructure. Additional areas in the contributing watershed along Sunset Parkway and Canterbury Road also experience flooding. To alleviate flooding, the City has produced construction plans for infrastructure replacement across Edwin Place, tying into the existing stream beyond Murdock Avenue. It is expected that new infrastructure will consist of several structures (drop inlets, catch basins and junctions) and conveyance systems (pipe and box culverts).

As part of the project, the City is also proposing green infrastructure in the form of stormwater storage areas along Sunset Parkway intended to provide detention of runoff and further mitigate flooding, as well as a stream restoration project with interconnected wetland areas and extensive landscape design along Celia Place. The goal is to provide the maximum localized flood protection possible in this area. The Canterbury Road portion of the project moves stormwater into a system within the Right-Of-Way and away from areas that are experiencing flooding frequently now. The Edwin Place, Celia Place, and Canterbury Road Stormwater Improvements Project consists of culverts, natural channels, green infrastructure, and pipe system improvements based on engineering recommendations.



  • May:  Issued Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and selected design consultant


  • January:  Design Contract start date
  • Spring:  Surveying and Conceptual Design


  • Summer:  Community Outreach Began


  • Spring:  Design development based on Community Input


  • Summer:  Construction Plan Development, Easements


  • Summer:  Final Plans


  • Spring:  Permitting to Begin
  • Winter:  Construction to Begin
Stream Restoration Landscape Plan

Contact Information

Nicole Peterson, Project Manager

Stormwater Services

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