
Keeping Sidewalk and Grass Strips Clean and Unobstructed

Grass, weeds, debris, and bush and tree limb overgrowth on and around sidewalks and curbs continue to be a problem, especially towards the end of summer. Vegetation overgrowth and debris on and around sidewalks affect the safety of pedestrians having to avoid the obstruction and give our city an unkempt look. Also, during the winter months, weather events that accumulate snow and ice can cause the sidewalk to be hazardous or unusable for pedestrians. The City of Asheville’s Code of Ordinances, Chapter 16; Street, Sidewalk and Other Public Places, Article I; In General, Section 16-3; Keeping sidewalks, grass strips, drainage swales, and gutters clear, clean, and unobstructed., Sub-section C; Maintenance Requirements., Number 1 through 4. The specific ordinance states as follows:


  1. Sidewalk, curb and grass strip: It shall be the responsibility of the responsible party to ensure that the public sidewalk and curb abutting a property owner’s property are kept clear of dirt, grass, weeds, mud, trash, debris, and vegetation of any kind to prevent a hazard to the public. The vegetation shall be removed, cut, or trimmed so as not to require a pedestrian to take evasive action to avoid physical contact with the same or otherwise hinder the safe passage of pedestrians. The grass strip between the sidewalk and curb is to be kept mowed to a height not to exceed eighteen (18) inches.
  2. Drainage swales: The responsible party that has a drainage swale running along the street that abuts the responsible party’s property shall mow and otherwise properly maintain such swale so that it can continue to serve its proper drainage function.
  3. Ice: The responsible party whose property abuts a paved sidewalk upon which ice may in any manner accumulate from any source other than from a weather event, shall remove such ice from the sidewalk on or before 10:00 a.m. each day in which the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  4. Weather event: The responsible party whose property abuts a paved sidewalk, shall remove snow, hail, sleet, and other similar accumulation from such within forty-eight (48) hours after the snow, hail, sleet or other similar accumulation ceases to fall.


Please help the community by keeping the sidewalks, curb, grass strip, and drainage swales around your property clean and clear. If you see problems on or around sidewalks, please call the Streets Services Division’s Code Enforcement Officer at 828-259-5749 to report concerns. We will follow up with the complaint and remind adjacent property owners of their obligation to keep Asheville looking great.