
The City is committed to mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change.

Actions Taken

  • Ongoing implementation of 22 high impact activities as identified in the Municipal Climate Action Plan [MCAP].  The MCAP utilized impact, equity and feasibility to prioritize and sequence activities and was approved by City Council in March 2023.
  • Collaborated with UNC Asheville’s National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center (NEMAC) to conduct a climate resilience assessment. The primary purpose of the climate resiliency planning process was to consider climate-related threats and hazards with a goal of becoming more resilient, or better prepared, by increasing our adaptive capacity. Asheville’s primary identified hazards are flooding, wildfire, and landslide. 
  • Incorporated the climate resilience assessment into the  City’s comprehensive plan, “Living Asheville“ and included the assessment as a plan appendix.
  • Produced a Climate Resource Guide to share information on how — as a community and individually — we can become better prepared and more resilient to the effects of climate change.
  • Declared a Climate Emergency through Resolution 20-25
  • Established the Climate Justice Initiative to collaborate with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) leaders and community members to create a locally relevant definition of Climate Equity and to develop resources like the Climate Justice Data Map, Story Map, and Screening Tool to embed climate justice considerations in City planning and implementation.

Supporting Documents

Asheville Climate Resilience Resource Guide

Case Study – Asheville makes a plan for Climate Resilience

Blog post – City of Asheville working towards a proactive plan in the face of climate change

Final Assessment Report – April 2018

Resolution 20-25 Climate Emergency Declaration

Contact Information

Bridget Herring, Sustainability Director

(828) 271-6141