Climate Justice Initiative

In January 2020, Asheville City Council declared a Climate Emergency. The adopted Resolution 20-25, acknowledges the urgent need to combat climate change and the disproportionate impact of the climate crisis on low-income communities and communities of color.

Asheville’s Climate Justice Initiative explores and defines Climate Equity and Climate Justice with the City’s frontline community members who are most directly affected by climate change impacts as identified in the City’s Climate Resilience Assessment. In collaboration with Asheville’s communities, the initiative seeks to center Climate Equity and Climate Justice in resilience building activities, resources, and planning. 

Asheville’s Climate Justice Initiative activities include community engagement that informs and directs internal and external resources and actions. The Climate Justice Data Map, Story Map, and Screening Tool resources were developed after initial engagement in 2021, and are currently used to support Climate Justice considerations in City planning and program implementation.        

The Climate Justice Initiative works to ensure that frontline communities play a central role in the just transformation of the systems that have established, and continue to perpetuate, the unequal burden of climate impacts.

Asheville’s Climate Justice Initiative:

  • Defined Climate Justice and Climate Equity with BIPOC community members
  • Informed development of the Climate Justice Data Map

Supported creation of a Climate Justice Screening Tool to complement the work of the GARE Racial Toolkit + Asheville’s adopted plans.




Supporting Documents

Climate Justice Guide + Screening Tool

Climate Justice Data Map to understand and visualize ‘hot spots’ and intersecting stressors

Story Map – Asheville’s Climate Justice Initiative

Analysis and draft summary report (English version and Spanish version) from individual community member Listening + Learning

Analysis and draft summary report (English version and Spanish version) from city staff Listening + Learning

Sustainable Advisory Committee on Energy and the Environment Climate Emergency Input Session

Final Report (English version and Spanish version)

Contact Information

Kiera Bulan, Sustainability Manager