Trees Preserved and Planted

Storyline: At the close of fiscal year 2024 over 2.5 million ft2 of tree canopy had been preserved while more than 380,000 ft2 of tree canopy had been planted. Nearly $380,000 were paid in Fee in Lieu, which will be used to enhance the urban canopy. Desired Trend: Increase in the tree canopy preserved and planted.   Methodology: [...]

Projects Planned or Implemented with a Sustainability Lens

Storyline: 50 organizational work plan projects, which drive the general direction of the City, were planned or implemented with a sustainability lens, accounting for 91 percent of the projects. Of the 5 projects that didn’t consider sustainability only one likely would have been relevant.  Desired Trend: Increasing number and percentage of OWP projects planned and implemented [...]

Funds Allocated through Capital Improvement Program

Storyline:  $17 million of the fiscal year 2024 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget was used toward projects considered to be sustainability or climate-related. That accounts for 26% of the total $68 million dollar CIP budget.  Desired Trend: Increase in funds allocated and percentage of total funds for sustainability/climate related projects. Methodology: Analysis of descriptions of Fiscal Year [...]

Closures of City Infrastracture or Buildings

Four closures of City infrastructure had a high probability of being weather related in fiscal year 2024. Examples of closures include facilities, roads, and services like electricity and water. This is the first year city-owned infrastructure closures were tracked for these purposes and we are updating our tracking methodology to increase reporting consistency across the [...]

Carbon Emissions

Before COVID, carbon emissions from City operations were trending downwards and on track to meet our 2% annual reduction goal, but not the 4% annual reduction goal. As employees have shifted back to office-based work, and the number of City employees has increased by nearly 35%, emissions have increased.  Employee commute, electricity use, and fleet [...]

electrify buncombe logo

Electrify ABC

Electrify Asheville-Buncombe County is a pilot program supporting home energy efficiency and electrification upgrades as one way to move toward the City supported goal of powering Buncombe county with 100% renewable energy by 2042.

text over emergency lights that says September is Emergency Preparedness Month

September is Emergency Preparedness Month: Blue skies actions help to build resiliency for neighborhoods and families

As changes in climate continue to impact our local weather patterns, the Asheville region expects more frequent and more intense weather events. There are actions we can take individually and as a community that will help build our resilience during emergency events and that will also support in “blue skies” times.  Blue-skies actions, meaning the good [...]

trees and houses

City of Asheville launches Tree Inventory as part of Urban Forest Master Plan

The City of Asheville is embarking on a comprehensive tree inventory as part of its Urban Forest Master Plan to safeguard and enhance the urban forest. Over the next several weeks, arborists will conduct a thorough assessment of public trees located in the right-of-way, typically the area between the sidewalk and street. This public [...]