Snow recovery updates: Trash collection, bus service, streets and parking garages

The City of Asheville’s Sanitation Division has cancelled trash and recycling collection today due to snow-covered and icy roads. Here is the revised trash and recycling collection for this week: Tuesday collect on Tuesday. Wednesday collect on Wednesday. Thursday collect on Thursday. Monday collect on Friday. Normally there is no Friday collection. All routes are serviced Monday through Thursday. Brush collection has [...]

ART Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday service and detours

Asheville Redefines Transit bus service routes and facilities will operate on a partial holiday schedule on Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 18. Also, during Monday’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration/march, ART Routes E1 and E2 routes will detour from approximately 12:30-1 p.m., or until the march clears. These routes will use Biltmore Avenue, South [...]

City manages environmental impacts and wins designation for it

The City of Asheville is proud to announce that we have received ISO 14001-based EMS certification for our transit operations! Um. What? Bear with us as we explain, because this is pretty cool. What the heck does ISO 14001 EMS mean? ISO is an international organization that develops standards for everything from technology to food safety in order to [...]

Asheville government offices to close for holidays

ART transit service suspended on Dec. 25, to operate on holiday schedule Jan. 1 Asheville City government offices will be closed Dec. 24, 25 and 28 and Jan. 1 in observance of the winter holiday break and New Year’s Day. The following is a roundup of services affected by holiday closures. ART transit service City bus service will [...]

asheville transit bus in motion

Asheville Redefines Transit holiday bus service schedule announced

City of Asheville bus service will be suspended starting at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 24 and throughout Dec. 25 in observance of the holiday. Dec. 25 is one of two holidays during which the City of Asheville’s ART system closes. ART service routes and facilities will operate on a partial holiday schedule on Jan. 1. The New Year’s Day holiday [...]