ART bus COVID-19 service reminders

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Free masks are available at the ART Station for anyone who needs one prior to boarding a bus. One mask per rider, please.
On July 14, Governor Roy Cooper announced that North Carolina would remain in Phase II of re-opening until August 7. COVID-19 continues to impact Asheville Rides Transit service. Buses continue to have a 9-passenger limit, and Young Transportation is assisting with overload routes from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Our procedure for full buses:

·         When buses reach the 9-passenger limit, operators will call the Dispatch Office to let dispatchers know to send a support vehicle.

·         Operators will inform riders that a support vehicle is on the way to pick them up. They will also provide an estimated time when the bus will arrive, if possible.

·         Passengers can call ART’s Offices if they continue to have issues at 828-253-5691.

Information on all service impacts can be found on the Service Alert section of the website. Routes WE1, 170, and S6 are directly impacted by COVID-19. Route S2 is temporarily suspended due to stormwater construction on Kenilworth Road. The Route S2 bus and operator have been re-assigned to support high ridership routes.

Please check the Service Alerts section on the website for any updates: