Public invited to submit final questions as North Fork Dam improvement nears completion

Photo of North Fork Dam reservoir
The North Fork Reservoir and Water Treatment Plant serve as the City’s primary drinking water source, providing 70% of Asheville’s water.


In a continued effort to prevent significant damage in the event of a natural disaster (flood or earthquake), and to meet the regulatory standards and design requirements set by North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Dam Safety Division, the City of Asheville, in conjunction with consultants from Schnabel Engineering, identified and implemented proactive improvement measures at the North Fork Reservoir to protect and improve critical dam infrastructure.

Some of the infrastructure improvements completed at North Fork Reservoir include:

  •         Raising the dam by 4 feet;
  •         Rehabilitating the principal spillway;
  •         Adding an auxiliary spillway;
  •         Installing new electrical instrumentation;
  •         Making modifications to the raw water piping; and
  •         Implementing embankment stability berms.


The project is nearing completion and is scheduled to be fully operational as of October 2020. As such, we are scheduling a final public information and project closeout session.

Before we have the final public information session, the City of Asheville is asking the public what questions they may have so staff can address them in the information session. Please visit publicinput.com/northforkdamproject for a complete project recap and to leave any questions you may have. People can also participate by phone by calling 855-925-2801, and entering #9826. Participants may leave a message for up to three minutes. Please read all the resource information, including an FAQ that is posted, prior to submitting your question or questions.

Thank you in advance for your participation in the City of Asheville’s new Virtual Engagement Hub. The deadline to participate is Aug. 7.