Asheville Asks: Who are these people measuring trees? What are they doing?

Arborist measuring tree

It’s a fair question. The answer: it’s all part of the  Urban Forest Master Plan to safeguard and enhance the urban forest.

The City of Asheville is embarking on a comprehensive tree inventory.

Over the next several weeks, arborists will thoroughly assess public trees in the right-of-way, typically the area between the sidewalk and the street.

This public tree inventory is crucial in understanding the health, diversity, and age of Asheville’s public trees. By gathering data on species, size, and condition, the City can develop informed strategies for maintaining and growing its urban forest into the future.

Arborist assesses a roadside treeWhy is a tree inventory important?

  • Informed decision-making: Inventory data provides valuable insights into the needs of our public trees, enabling the City to prioritize maintenance and planting efforts.
  • Enhanced tree health: A diverse and healthy urban forest is essential for mitigating climate change, improving air quality and reducing stormwater runoff.
  • Community well-being: Trees contribute significantly to the quality of life in Asheville, providing shade, beauty and recreational opportunities.


measurements being recorded on hand deviceWhat will the inventory entail?

Arborists will be systematically examining trees in designated areas, recording information such as species, size and signs of disease or damage. This data will be stored in a GIS-based tree management system, allowing for efficient analysis and planning.




How can residents get involved?

While the inventory is primarily conducted by professionals, residents can play a vital role in supporting the City’s efforts. Stay informed about the project through the City of Asheville’s website and social media channels. Visit to subscribe for project updates and receive notifications of public engagement opportunities. Your input will be invaluable as the City develops a long-term plan for managing its urban forest.


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