Biltmore Avenue parking garage to get enviro-conscious deep cleaning this week

biltmore avenue parking garage

City of Asheville Parking Services will begin the process of deep cleaning of the Biltmore Avenue Garage the week of June 19.

This cleaning is a deep steam type cleaning that will remove five years of soot and other particulates from the driving and infrastructure surfaces in the garage. Given that soot, carbon and other particulates will be cleaned, the water and other liquids have to be recovered we cannot and will not allow them in the storm or sanitary sewer systems.

This cleaning, by Clean Recover from Georgia, will be disruptive in the garage as we have to block certain sections off to protect our customers and their vehicles.

Cleaning will take place between the hours of 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. until completion. The parking garage will lose roughly 100 spaces at the most throughout this entire process.


  • Tuesday, June 20, and Wednesday, June 21: P3 level down to P1 level will be cleaned. The entire section will be closed during this time.
  • Thursday June 22 and Friday June 23: U3 level up to U1 level will be cleaned. The entire section will be closed during this time.
  • Monday June 26 and Tuesday June 27: Levels U2 – P1 will be cleaned, with each deck split in half for traffic and cleaning.

Please note: There will be 4 spaces closed in U3 during the cleaning process for a working area for the cleaning crew. Also, there may be some catch up work during the weekend, and June 28.

For more information about Parking Services, visit