Asheville City Council to hold a work session on hotel moratorium

Hotels photo illustration

Archived stream of the work session:

Original post:

In September, Asheville City Council approved a temporary moratorium on the approval of new hotels, which means that no hotel development applications will be approved for a year. The purpose of the moratorium is to allow the City time to further study the issues surrounding tourism and assess the impacts of hotel development, both real and perceived.

The City contracted with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to evaluate the issues associated with tourism and hotel development,  utilizing a Technical Assistance Program Panel (TAP) process.  This process included a briefing by City staff and listening sessions with the community in order to understand concerns, provide context and quantify the impacts of new hotel development  before presenting their findings on best practices tools and strategies to deal with the issues. Their findings were presented to the community on Jan. 30, and will be followed by a written report in early March.

At 3 p.m. Feb. 25, staff will discuss the Urban Land Institute findings with Asheville City Council during a work session in the City Council chambers, second floor of Asheville City Hall.  Staff will be seeking direction from City Council on the viability and prioritization of the strategies proposed by ULI. The public is invited to the work session, but the Council will not be taking public comment.

Following the work session, City staff will do any additional research as necessary and  develop the appropriate regulations and policies that fit best for the Asheville community to share with the public and relevant boards and commissions before  coming back to Council with final recommendations during the summer of 2020.


Council’s ordinance imposing a temporary moratorium on new hotel development states that “the City finds that it presently lacks a clear development strategy regarding hotels, and needs to develop a set of review criteria that allows the City to account for the negative impacts of proposed hotel developments.” 

The  Urban Land Institute (ULI) has utilized a Technical Assistance Program Panel (TAP) process in order to study the issues surrounding hotel development. The panel is comprised of experts from across the southeast who, with the help of City staff, will quantify the impacts of new hotel development and obtain a better understanding of all the concerns and then evaluate best planning practices to address those concerns.