The Comprehensive Plan update process has begun! This exciting process will determine key principles that will guide the City’s decision-making for the next 15 to 20 years, so hearing input from residents representing our diverse population is vital.
What is it the Comprehensive Plan?
The Comprehensive Plan is your plan, Ashevillians. It is the community’s vision for the future of Asheville. What do our residents want our city to look like 30 years from now? This is an opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments and imagine the possibilities! You can find more information on the Plan and the update process here.
How will it be used?
The outcome will be a document the city can use to better coordinate infrastructure improvements, allocate financial resources and ensure that new development is located appropriately. The City of Asheville will use the Comprehensive Plan to guide policy decisions, and to determine if municipal projects and work are in compliance with and moving the city toward the community’s vision.
How can I participate?
The update process will last approximately 18 months, and will include numerous opportunities to provide input.
All residents are encouraged to attend the first public meeting, which will be held from 4-8 p.m. October 10 at the Collider, 1 Haywood St, downtown. The consultants and City staff will introduce the plan and gather feedback on what community members want for the future of our great community.
There is also an online survey on Open City Hall Asheville. The deadline for the survey has been extended to September 26 in order to gather more community input. The survey is available in Spanish here. Please register when you take the survey — registration information is confidential and is only used to identify which statements are from Asheville residents.
LATER: Additional opportunities to provide input throughout this process will be posted here.
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