RiverLink and partners seek to name the creek that begins in Aston Park and flows into the French Broad River behind 12 Bones in the River Arts District. Working with the City of Asheville, we are seeking name suggestions from the members of three local groups — WECAN (West End/Clingman Avenue Neighborhood), RADBA (River Arts District Business Association) and RADA (River Arts District Artists).
The first step is to collect suggested names, which members of WECAN, RADBA and RADA can send to dave@riverlink.org. Submissions should include two or three (or more) sentences explaining the rationale for the name and will lead to two levels of polling — an initial poll only for the aforementioned groups will be set up to choose three names from those submitted by their members. After selection of three, a round of public polling will go out to the community at large. RiverLink will host these polls.
The selected name will then go up a chain to City Council and a proclamation will be signed by the Mayor of Asheville. RiverLink will then take the information and submit it to the United States Geological Survey Board of Geographical names. Upon approval, the creek will bear that name and it will show up on maps as such.
This process follows the guidelines set forth by the City of Asheville in 2014.
Present through January 18: Suggested names collected.
January 19: Names submitted to the City of Asheville for broadcast via blog, social media, newsletter, etc. RiverLink will create a poll and all interested parties can solicit voting. The poll will remain active for a month on the dates agreed to by RiverLink and the City of Asheville representatives.