Asheville earns ‘walk friendly’ designation

Wall Street in downtown Asheville offers a walkable environment for pedestrians.

Wall Street in downtown Asheville
offers a walkable environment for pedestrians.

The City of Asheville has again earned the designation of being a Walk Friendly Community.

The Walk Friendly Communities program (WFC) renewed designations for Asheville and two other communities (Atlanta and Tallahassee, Fla.) for their commitment to prioritize pedestrians and create safe, comfortable and inviting places to walk.

According to the announcement:

All three cities were originally designated Walk Friendly Communities in 2013 based on their efforts to expand opportunities for walking and improve pedestrian safety across a wide range of programs and activities, from planning and design to outreach and law enforcement. Over the past five years, each community has continued to make strides toward improving conditions for pedestrians and creating people-friendly streets.

“Cities and towns are recognizing the value of walkability and its role in creating safe, healthy communities,” said Dan Gelinne, WFC program manager. “We’re encouraged that these cities are renewing their commitment to become more Walk Friendly while documenting some clear success stories over the past five years.”

Walk Friendly Communities is a national recognition program developed to encourage cities and towns across the United States to develop and support walking environments with an emphasis on safety, mobility, access, and comfort.

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