Asheville Fire Department maintains accreditation status

Picture of fire truck

 The Asheville Fire Department learned that the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) unanimously approved to grant them accredited status at a public hearing this week in Orlando, Fla.


Accreditation is a comprehensive self-assessment and evaluation that enables the department to examine service delivery and compare it to the industry standards. It is also a way to establish a method for achieving continuous organizational improvement. The accreditation process is voluntary and the CFAI is dedicated to assisting fire and emergency service agencies throughout the world. The recommendation was announced yesterday, following a week-long visit from a Site Assessment Team representing the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE).


“I am extremely proud of our hard-working and dedicated firefighters,” said Fire Chief Scott Burnette. “Having an accredited status is a big win for our firefighters and our community. This designation affirms that our firefighters are providing the highest service levels and professionalism while protecting the lives and property of all people in our city.”


The Asheville Fire Department was initially accredited in 2005 and since then has been reaccredited a total of four times.  AFD members spent countless staff hours examining past, current, and future service levels and internal performance to compare them to current research and industry best practices.