Earth Day: Asheville GreenWorks teams with City for tree workshops, celebration



For Earth Day, Earth Month or because it’s spring, now is a great time to take advantage of a series of workshops to help tree professionals and tree lovers hone their skills in tree care and maintenance.  These workshops are provided by Asheville GreenWorks with support from the City of Asheville.


Yarn-bombing tree celebration

Before we get started on the classes, we want to share a fun eco-conscious event happening from 2 to 4  p.m. April 21 on the Roger McGuire Green in Pack Square Park. Asheville GreenWorks will celebrate Earth Day Weekend with a Tree Day event and yarn bombing. The event will be highlighted by colorful yarn bombing of the park’s trees! There will be children’s activities. A City Council member will read the Arbor Day Proclamation and a North Carolina Forest Service ranger will present Asheville with a Tree City USA award for being a Tree City for 38 years.


Proper Tree Planting Techniques

When/where: 2 to 4 p.m. April 22 (Earth Day!), 14 Riverside Drive.

Details: GreenWorks Director of Operations Eric Bradford will lead this session focusing on  considerations that go into tree planting, tips on species and planting site selection, measures that must be taken before planting a tree and hands-on practice of how to do a soil analysis and utilize its results. Workshop participants will also learn how to properly choose a tree for planting, prepare a site for planting, plant trees of various sizes, species and potting method (bare root, ball and burlap, etc.) and mulch and water newly planted trees.

To register: Email


Tree Pruning to Maximize Health and Reduce Risk

When/where: 6 to 7:30 p.m. April 25, Asheville Public Works, 161 S. Charlotte St.

Details: Asheville Arborists Owner Nich Maidment and GreenWorks Director of Operations Eric Bradford will teach the fundamentals of tree pruning and methods to encourage healthy tree structure. Trees with good structure are more resistant to storms and other natural forces. The workshop starts indoors with an introduction to the basics of tree pruning to promote good structure. Then participants will head outdoors and practice these principles by pruning trees at different stages of development. This will involve the use of hand pruners.

To register: Email


Asheville Trees 101

When/where: 4:30 p.m. May 3 (location TBA)

Details: N.C. State Cooperative Extension Agent Alison Arnold and GreenWorks Executive Director Dawn Chavez will provide a foundation in tree anatomy and biology, basic needs for survival, tree identification and an overview of how trees function to provide the benefits we enjoy in the urban forest. This is designed for City of Asheville residents who have trees on their property or care about trees

To register: Email


Asheville Trees 201

When/where: 3 p.m. May 10 (location TBA)

Details: This workshop is designed for landscapers, property managers, Realtors, builders and design professionals. Urban Forester Consultant Ed Macie will help participants understand the best management practices for tree survival, the basic elements of tree risk and risk management, tree protection techniques related to building construction, and qualifications in the tree care industry.

To register: Email


Want more info?

Find more information on GreenWorks’ workshops and events by visiting or call 828-254-1776.


Related: Asheville rules regulate tree pruning and removal