National Night Out is an annual event that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. Neighborhood events are a great way to do some community-building between residents and the Asheville Police Department.
This year’s National Night Out happens on Aug. 7. It’s considered America’s Night Out Against Crime.
Join the rest of the nation in getting to know your neighbors and “give crime and drugs a going away party!”
If your neighborhood would like to participate, APD has an online registration packet available here. It includes all registration forms which now includes the Street Closure information (if you plan to close your street for the National Night Out event). Plus there are tons of fun activity ideas listed on the registration site, such as chalk art, face painting and games for the kids or a cookout, potluck or ice cream social.
Please return all registration forms no later than July 6. Questions? Contact Officer Ryan Justus (828-259-5834 or or Officer Keith McCulloch (828-271-6145 or