Asheville Police Department update on officer-involved shooting

In an effort to continue sharing information regarding the July 2, 2016, officer-involved shooting in Deaverview Apartments, the Asheville Police Department would like to inform citizens of the current status of the investigation.

The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation continues to investigate the incident.

The SBI has control over Mr. Williams’ body, his personal effects and other evidence. If citizens have questions regarding these matters or the SBI’s process, the SBI has informed us that citizens may contact its field office at 828-654-8901, and leave a message for the case agent, Bret Anders, who will try to respond to all inquiries.

Once the investigation is complete the case will be released to the District Attorney’s Office for review to determine if the use of lethal force was lawfully justified. The Asheville Police Department’s Professional Standards Division will also conduct an administrative investigation to determine if policies were followed. Per Asheville Police Department protocol Sgt. Tyler Radford was placed on administrative leave immediately following the incident.

In order to keep lines of communication open with the community Chief Hooper continues to meet with members of the Racial Justice Coalition, Inter-Denominational Ministerial Alliance, Baptist Ministries Union, NAACP (Asheville Branch), Christians for a United Community, Residence Council and the Stop the Violence Coalition and other community groups. In their first meeting, on Tuesday, July 5, 2016, she asked that members who are in touch with the immediate family of Jai Williams to help facilitate a meeting with them when they feel ready to discuss the incident with APD. She has also attempted to call Mr. Williams’ mother to request a meeting and is awaiting a response. Chief Hooper respects the family’s right to privately grieve the loss of a family member and will be available upon their request.

Related coverage:

Asheville Police Department makes Chief statements, Use of Force Policy available