The Asheville Police Department’s Use of Force Policy is currently under revision and APD would like to get community feedback on a new draft of this policy.
On Sept. 19, Chief Tammy Hooper and other APD representatives met with members of the Community Police Policy Work Group, facilitated by the Vera Institute of Justice. The group is comprised of 16 representatives from various facets of the Asheville community — business, education, social justice groups, LGBT and Latino. The group provided recommendations on the revision of the policy with a primary focus on de-escalation.
A new draft policy and report from the Vera Institute were presented to the Community Police Policy Work group for review on Nov. 21, 2016. The draft policy is based on the collaborative efforts of the department and the Community Police Policy Work Group.
Let us know what you think
Share your comments on and questions about Asheville Police Department’s new draft of its Use of Force Policy on Open City Hall Asheville, an online citizen engagement tool used by the City of Asheville to make it easier for residents to provide input on City efforts. Registration is quick and easy, though not required to participate. Registration is used ONLY to verify local input and is not shared with any third parties.
How the input will be used
Asheville Police Chief Tammy Hooper will consider all comments before making the draft Use of Force Policy the final version of this policy. The deadline to participate is Jan. 31, 2017.