City of Asheville presents free education talks on affordable homeownership

The City of Asheville’s Community and Economic Development Department is presenting the first of a public education series about permanently affordable homeownership opportunities. Come to the Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Center, 285 Livingston St., at 6 p.m. March 16 for the first installment in the series.

This session will be the first of two aimed at creating an understanding of long-term affordable home ownership models, particularly through the development of a Community Land Trust. These public sessions will focus on fostering a discussion of Asheville’s affordable housing needs, and what options might be most successful at helping open homeownership opportunities and stabilize and strengthen neighborhoods.

Community Land Trusts have been employed throughout the country to create affordable housing and community facilities.

A panel of experts representing land trusts from Durham, Chapel Hill, and Athens, Ga., has been invited to describe the model and discuss experiences working in their communities.

After presentations from speakers, the audience will be invited to participate in a follow-up discussion and Q&A session. If you plan to attend, we encourage you to RSVP at