Asheville Public Works responding to winter storm

Asheville tree debris
Asheville Streets Division is not only salting roads, they are also removing fallen trees blocking City streets. This is Kyle Coverdale working on Windsor Road in north Asheville.

Duke Energy shares winter storm update, 12:30 p.m. Jan. 3

A message from Duke Energy:

The high winds and heavy precipitation are still affecting large portions of the Carolinas and restoration will be hindered until conditions are safe to work in. Customers in the hardest hit areas, like Buncombe County, may need to prepare for extended outages.

Duke Energy will provide additional updates once storms move out of the area and damage assessment is underway. See the outage map at

To receive the most up-to-date information about restoration efforts by enrolling in Outage Alerts. If customers lose power, they can text OUT to 57801, report online, or call 800-419-6356.

Safety message: Downed tree and power lines, 10 a.m. Jan. 3

Asheville snow, downed trees and  powerlinesDuke Energy warns people to stay away from downed power lines.

If a you encounter a fallen or leaning tree resting on a power line, call Duke Energy Progress at 1-800-419-6356 or 1-800-452-2777.

For a downed tree not involving power lines, blocking a road in the City limits, call Asheville Public Works at 828-259-5852.

Sanitation update, 9:30 a.m. Jan. 3

Trash and recycling pickup is happening today, though there may be a delay due to snowy weather. Asheville Sanitation will not pick up brush today, however.

City of Asheville offices, ART bus service operating on snow delay, 6:30 a.m. Jan. 3

Because of snowy weather, City of Asheville offices and ART bus service are operating on a delayed schedule today, with both beginning at 10 a.m.

Other City services affected by today’s weather: 

  • Burton Street Community Center, Grant Southside Center and Harvest House will be closed today.
  • Snow day care for Asheville City Schools will open at 9 a.m. today at the Tempie Avery Montford Center.
  • Snow Day care for Buncombe County Schools students will open at 9 a.m. the Linwood Crump Shiloh Community Center.
  • Stephens-Lee and Linwood Crump Shiloh centers will open at noon today, weather permitting.

Asheville Public Works is responding to the Winter Storm, to salt roads and remove any accumulating snow, first from our priority one streets, then moving into secondary / neighborhood streets as the priority routes are cleared. Priority one roads are major routes needed for emergency response as well as streets where ART bus routes run. Streets crews will also remove snow on sidewalks in front of City-owned property. 

The City’s Snow Mapper shows which roads are priority one.

Please check the City’s social media channels for latest information during winter storm events.

Winter Storm Warning

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning to include Asheville from 10 p.m. Sunday through noon Monday. Find the National Weather Service forecast here.

Please check back for updates.

Asheville Public Works ready to clear streets of snow, ART bus service on delay Monday morning, 9 p.m. Jan. 2

Asheville’s Streets Division is ready for the snow! Asheville Public Works prepped all snow removal equipment during the New Year’s weekend and staff are ready to begin salting and plowing streets once accumulation begins.

All Streets Division trucks are equipped to double as plows and salt spreaders and ready to respond when the storm starts. The City has 4,000+ tons of salt on hand to treat roads. Salt spreaders are loaded and ready to go.

Weather closings and delays

  • ART bus service will be delayed until 10 a.m. Monday.
  • Burton Street Community Center, Grant Southside Center and Harvest House will be closed Monday.
  • Snow day care for City Schools will open at 9 a.m. Monday at the Tempie Avery Montford Center.
  • Stephens-Lee and Linwood Crump Shiloh centers will open at noon Monday, weather permitting.

Clearing the streets

City Streets crews will stay on the job around the clock as needed, to remove any accumulating snow, first from our priority one streets, then moving into secondary / neighborhood streets as the priority routes are cleared. Priority one roads are major routes needed for emergency response as well as streets where ART bus routes run. Streets crews will also remove snow on sidewalks in front of City-owned property. 

The City’s Snow Mapper shows which roads are priority one.

The City of Asheville maintains approximately 4oo miles of roads, which translates into 805 lane miles. During snow events, Public Works removes snow from 180 centerline miles of priority one streets, 318 centerline miles of priority two streets, which adds up to about 400 miles, including 87 miles of NCDOT-maintained roads.

Please check back for updates.