Asheville receives dusting of snow, City offices open

Asheville Old Toll Road in snow
A light dusting of snow flanks Old Toll Road on Town Mountain, in the location of the recent repair. City streets are wet but largely free of snow.

While predicted snow moved in overnight, so far Asheville has only received a dusting and roads remain clear, with the exception of a few icy spots. City of Asheville facilities will open on the schedule we have been following under guidelines for the COVID pandemic.

City Streets crews were out monitoring and treating streets as needed overnight, and that continues today as Asheville is still under a Winter Storm Warning. Public Works will continue to monitor and treat roads as necessary.

ART buses operated on a delayed schedule this morning with service beginning at 10 a.m. Keep up with ART service alerts at this link.

Please drive cautiously, as bridges and shady areas may be especially slick.

Code Purple extended

The Asheville Homeless Coalition has extended Code Purple through Tuesday, Jan. 12. Please encourage those who need shelter from the frigid temps to seek it! Here is a link to resources:

Find the National Weather Service forecast here.

Please check back for updated information.

RELATED: Asheville Public Works ready to clear streets of snow