Pritchard Park construction enters final stage

The improvements to Asheville’s Pritchard Park are in full swing and contractors are in the final stages of construction.

While it is still an active construction zone, the park remains open and no programming is disrupted.

Right now, the old park lighting has been removed and temporary lighting has been installed in the trees until the new lights can be installed. It may look a little different with strands of construction lights in the trees, but the park will be comfortably illuminated until the new lighting system is in place.  Installation of that new system has been delayed slightly due to the utility contractor’s schedule during this busy construction season, but will be completed soon.

Water had been temporarily disconnected while the contractors had some complications reconnecting to the water system, but those issues have been resolved and work to restore water to the park is almost complete.

Most of the construction will be completed by the end of July and the City expects the orange safety fencing to be removed by July 31. Some minor construction tasks that will continue into August will be of a more modest nature, including the installation of signage, ornamental tiles, furnishings and some plantings.

Thank you for your patience as Asheville Parks & Recreation works to improve this vibrant downtown gathering space.