Wall Street Parking Garage to close for repairs

Wall Street Garage exterior photo
Wall Street Parking Garage

The Wall Street Parking Garage, 45 Wall Street, will be closed for repair May 27-May 31. 

Because of this, Asheville Parking Services requests that all cars parked in the garage exit by 8 p.m. May 26. Cars that remain in the garage will not be towed, but there may be a delay in the exiting process, due to the construction. Anyone who needs assistance exiting the garage should call 828-778-3216.

Several structural joints will be replaced on the northeastern side of the garage. In order to complete the maintenance, both exit lanes will need to be shut down for a period of time. This will take place beginning at 8 a.m. May 27 with the planned reopening at  8 a.m. May 31. 

Monthly parkers have been notified of the Wall Street Garage closure and have been directed to the Harrah’s Cherokee Center Parking Garage. 

Also, the Wall Street Parking Garage elevators have been repaired and are undergoing the inspection process. They should be operational soon.

The City of Asheville offers many other parking garage options in the downtown area, including: 

  • Biltmore Avenue Garage: 404 spaces
  • Harrah’s Cherokee Center – Asheville Garage: 550 spaces
  • Rankin Avenue Garage: 262 spaces

To find available parking garage spaces in real-time, check out the Where’s Parking Page of the City of Asheville website or download The Asheville App.   

For more information, visit the Parking Services page on the City of Asheville website.