Barbara Whitehorn

Asheville Chief Finance Officer accepts new position on West Coast

City Chief Finance Officer Barbara Whitehorn has accepted a position as Finance Director  with the City of San Bernardino, Calif., and will leave the City of Asheville Jan. 15.  Under her direction for the past seven years, the City of Asheville and the Finance Department have improved policies and procedures and have many noteworthy accomplishments including:   [...]

Code Purple illustration

City of Asheville shares Code Purple resources

With temperatures going down into the 20s this week, the Asheville-Buncombe Homeless Coalition has called a Code Purple for people who need shelter. Starting Dec. 1, shelter was made available at First Congregational UCC, 20 Oak St., for about 30 men and up to 20 women and children. This is in partnership with Western Carolina Rescue [...]

North Carolina State Senior Games

Local athlete wins at virtual State Senior Games finals

David Shepard earned some hardware at the recent North Carolina State Senior Games.  A resident of Black Mountain, he planned to compete in the Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games as a qualifier for state competition; but when COVID-19 forced cancellation of the local games and in-person state games, state level competition was held virtually.  In this year’s [...]

Data meeting

City of Asheville establishes Office of Data and Performance

Over the last decade, the City of Asheville has worked to build a data culture to drive policy development and support decision making. Beginning in 2012 with the City’s first open data efforts, the City has steadily built data capacity. Over the past two years, these efforts have culminated in a multidisciplinary governance team with [...]

Plan illustration

One week left for public comment on City of Asheville’s draft 5-Year Consolidated Plan 

After more than a year of community engagement and study, the City of Asheville Department of Community and Economic Development is ready to release the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 5-Year Consolidated Plan. Still in final draft form, the Consolidated Plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions assess their affordable housing [...]

flooded Riverside Drive

Asheville streets reopen, following flooding from Tropical Storm Zeta

As rain from Tropical Storm Zeta moves eastward, Asheville Fire Department reports that  flooding is receding in most locations. The Swannanoa River crested around 2 p.m. Thursday, and the French Broad River should crest around 8 p.m. Thursday. So while most roads have reopened there may continue to be road closures until the waters recede, perhaps [...]

Block grant illustration

Community Development to hold informational meetings about Block Grant program

The City of Asheville annually awards Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) as part of a federal grant program through Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that provides funding for a variety of projects and programs that serve low- and moderate-income residents. The City of Asheville Community Development Division administers these funds and has set informational meetings on [...]

City Council meeting modified graphic

Asheville City Council continues remote meetings, will hold proposed hotel development regulations work session prior to regular meeting

While the City of Asheville will reopen its public-facing offices in a limited capacity Oct. 12, for safety and to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 meetings will remain virtual at this time. That includes the Oct. 13 City Council meeting. Prior to the 5 p.m. meeting, Council will hold a 2:30 p.m. work session on [...]

City Hall photo with flag

City of Asheville to reopen offices to the public Oct. 12

On Oct. 12, the City of Asheville will re-open its public-facing offices. This decision is the result of significant planning, consulting with public health officials, and implementing COVID-19 transmission mitigation efforts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, City staff has continued to provide a majority of services, although modified, such as drop boxes for transactions traditionally handled in-person [...]

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