Andrea Clark

Historic Resources Commission recognizes documentary photographer Andrea Clark with Sondley Award

Since 1988, the Historic Resources Commission of Asheville & Buncombe County (HRC) has given their annual award, the Sondley Award, which recognizes an individual or individuals in the community whom by word or deed has kindled among the citizenry an appreciation of local history or historic resources. This year, the HRC is pleased to award [...]

memorial day graphic

City of Asheville government to close for Memorial Day, host virtual Memorial Day ceremony

  ART buses to run on holiday schedule City of Asheville government will be closed May 25 for Memorial Day. City facilities remain closed to the public at this time, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, though some parks have reopened. During this public health emergency, City employees have continued their work, some in the field, such as in [...]

capital fee illustration

City of Asheville to discontinue capital fee on utility bills

City of Asheville water customers may see public notices about the outcome of a class action lawsuit involving the City’s capital fee collected as part of the combined utility statement. In 2016, a North Carolina Supreme Court decision declared that certain “impact fees” charged by municipalities and utility authorities were illegal.  As a result, many cities [...]

photo of fire hydrant open

East Asheville water repair may result in some discoloration

Beginning on Friday, some East Asheville water customers may experience discolored water, due to an unexpected and necessary repair. No water outages are expected, though water pressure may vary from May 15-22, while this repair is being completed. Asheville Water Resources is working to mitigate any impacts through flushing water lines in conjunction with this repair. [...]

Senior games women running

2020 Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games cancelled

The Asheville Parks & Recreation Department announced today that the 2020 Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games, originally scheduled to begin in April then postponed to June, have officially been cancelled.   All registered participants will be issued a refund of their registration fees.  North Carolina State Games are tentatively scheduled for fall 2020 and all participants currently registered in [...]

City Council meeting graphic

Asheville City Council to hold called meeting April 28

Asheville City Council will hold a special called meeting at 5 p.m. April 28 to consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for and receive funds from Federal Emergency Management Agency funding to recover costs  associated with the COVID-19 pandemic event and to designate the applicant agents.  You can find related documents

Asheville Sanitation driver Kevin Corn

City of Asheville employees continue to serve our community during time of social distancing for COVID-19 safety

  City  of Asheville employees continue to work during the COVID-19 public health emergency, serving you, our residents. All essential police, fire, sanitation, transit and water services are being maintained as we continue to serve and protect this community, even in this difficult time. Other employees have transitioned to a telecommuting workstation from home, where work in [...]

Crews plant a new tree on Kitchen Place.

Haywood Streetscape tree removal begins March 16

As improvements continue along the Haywood Street corridor, residents can expect to see crews working in the area to remove trees and prepare for new ones. Tree removal is scheduled to begin March 16 and could take up to one week. In total, 23 trees will be removed, leaving some of the larger, more mature trees [...]

Picture of fire truck

Asheville Fire Department maintains accreditation status

 The Asheville Fire Department learned that the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) unanimously approved to grant them accredited status at a public hearing this week in Orlando, Fla.   Accreditation is a comprehensive self-assessment and evaluation that enables the department to examine service delivery and compare it to the industry standards. It [...]

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