Senior games poster

Postponed: Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games and Silver Arts Competition

Update: This event has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Asheville Parks & Recreation is proud to present the 2020 Asheville-Buncombe Senior Games and Silver Arts Competition, in partnership with the YMCA and Black Mountain Parks & Recreation. Winners in each event qualify for the North Carolina State Games and winners at the state level qualify [...]

file photo of children attending camp

Spend spring break with Asheville Parks & Recreation

Registration is open now for Asheville Parks & Recreation spring break camps. Here is a look at the variety of selection. Spring Break Basketball Camp April 6-10 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Location: Linwood Crump Shiloh Center Fee: $25, and it includes a T-shirt. This basketball camp is designed for girls and boys age 12 to 16 to sharpen fundamental, [...]

Photo: Exterior of Asheville airport

City of Asheville to partner with airport on parking regulation

At their Feb. 11 meeting, Asheville City Council gave Parking Services the green light to regulate and administer parking at the Asheville Regional Airport. The move came at the request of the Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority. Under the agreement, Airport staff will write tickets, while Parking Services will administer the billing and collections. The cost [...]

Jr Police Academy logo

Asheville Police Department to host new Junior Police Academy

  The Asheville Police Department is excited to announce the first offering of a Junior Police Academy. This new program is designed for youth ages 14-19 who have a serious interest in pursuing a career in law enforcement. Topics will include criminal law, investigations, narcotics, patrol/arrest techniques, and physical training. All classes are designed to incorporate both [...]

Block grant illustration

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME applications now open

The City of Asheville’s Community and Economic Development Department is now accepting applications for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME, “Home Investment Partnerships Program program. The application process is online, and the link to the webinar for CDBG and HOME application is here.   The deadline for applications is [...]

Illustration of people gathered around a table talking

Help shape Asheville by serving on a City board or commission

Looking for a way to get involved in local government and play a part in shaping the future of Asheville? Serving on a City of Asheville board or commission is a great place to start. More than 250 people serve on 35 advisory boards and help guide policy decisions for the City of Asheville. Put your perspective, leadership [...]

Picture of Fulton Street

Neighbors invited to learn about bond sidewalk project in Five Points 

The City of Asheville is moving forward with a bond project in the Five Points neighborhood. Residents along Fulton Street will enjoy a sidewalk spanning from 20 E. Chestnut St. to 71 Woodrow Ave. Construction is slated to begin in June. Before it can get started, City staff needs to speak with residents about the [...]

citizens police academy enrolling now

Residents invited to register for APD’s spring Citizen’s Police Academy

The Asheville Police Department (APD) is now inviting residents to apply for the spring semester of the Citizen’s Police Academy (CPA). Participants in this free course will learn about the daily work and operations of APD, while also giving the department an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from the community. The course will begin on March [...]

City hall with winter barren trees

City of Asheville announces winter break holiday closings

ART bus suspended on Dec. 25, runs on holiday schedule New Year’s Day Asheville City government offices will be closed Dec. 24, 25 and 26 and Jan. 1 in observance of the winter holiday break and New Year’s Day. The following is a roundup of services affected by holiday closures. ART bus service City bus service will be suspended starting [...]

Exterior photo of the Wall Street Garage

Wall Street Garage elevator to close for replacement

  Starting Dec. 16, work will begin to replace the elevator in the Wall Street Garage, 45 Wall St. The elevator will be out of service for an estimated 75 days. During this time, ADA accessible parking spaces on the fourth floor will be relocated to Wall Street, in front of Papillon Apparel, the Market Place, and [...]

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